Saturday, January 31, 2015

Catholic School Week

Chesney's school takes part in Catholic school week every year.  It is such a fun week of school assemblies, snacks and no uniforms.

Monday was school spirit day (red, black and white).  Chesney was all decked out. Good golly I love this precious girl!
Tropical Tuesday was next.  She was excited to wear a dress to school.
 Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday and she wanted to wear her Tangled dress.  So we gave her crazy hair.
She also decided to wear mismatched socks and her water shoes. And she had to wear her crazy glasses from cousin Allie and Ryan's birthday party (which were the perfect addition to the outfit!) The kids got to do a conga line at school which she thought was a blast.
 Thursday was pajama day.  This is kind of an easy day so we spiced it up with some crazy bedhead.
 We went all out on the hair to make it look like a rough night.  And she had to take a serious bath that night to wash out all the hairspray. The kids had movie day at school.
 Flashback Friday was the end of the week.  She demanded a bright outfit, so we came up with this rockin work out warrior outfit. Sweatin to the oldies baby!
Catholic School Week was exhausting to get outfits coordinated (especially Chesney approved outfits ie dresses and pink), but it was so worth the excitement she had everyday.

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