Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Crew {24 Weeks Old}

Our little Crewy Dewy is 24 weeks old.  He doesn't lay on his back long because he loves to roll onto his side or belly.
Happy 24 weeks Crew!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Grampy & Grammy Visit

Grampy and Grammy came to visit a couple weekends ago.  The kids were so excited.
 The visit was short but we packed in lots of fun including a trip to the park, playing at home, an ice cream run and a visit to the pumpkin patch.
Thanks for visiting Grampy & Grammy!  Everyone had loads of fun!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Crew {23 weeks Old}

Little man is 23 weeks old.  He is a rolly polly little fella.  He doesn't stay in one spot for very long.
Happy 23 weeks Crew!

Summer end

Summer is coming to an end. But not the shenanigans at this house.
The grounds crew was ready to help Daddy with the lawn.
I guess these 2 are ready for Halloween.
Oh how I love this cute baby boy.
 Brecken decided he would paint Mackston's face one day.  And then Mackston got mad when I tried to wash the paint off.
 Making slime was a huge hit.
 Daddy was out of town one weekend so we ordered pizza and had movie night in front of the tv.
 A lot of our walks take us to this parking lot where the kids can ride in the wide open.
 The giggles were endless with this Playdoh game.
 More craftsy fun.
 Chesney loves her baby brother so very much!
 Chesney made ice cream from scratch with the assistance of a science book one afternoon.
 It's football season again!
 Robot chalk art in the driveway.
 And then there are these two.  Always coming up with ideas.
 Thanks to Grampy for switching the pegs around on Brecken's bike. Now it's a two man bike.
 Crew doesn't stay in one spot anymore.  We put him under his gym while we ate breakfast and a few minutes later he was at the couch.
 There have been a few hot days left for water play.  This one included water dancing in the wagon.
These kids have been so busy with school and sports, but they find lots of time to make fun at home too.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Crew {22 Weeks Old}

These weeks are flying by so quickly now that the bigger kids are back in school.  Crew hit the 22 week mark this week.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Crew {5 Months Old}

We are entering fall and we have a 5 month old baby.
Here is what you have been up to over the past month:
Snuggling with sissy.
Hanging out with Grampy.
Rolling all over the place.

Your 5 month stats:
  • Weight:  about 15 lbs
  • Length: 26 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 3-6 month clothes and sleepers.
  • Shoes: We have not put shoes on you yet.
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night. 
  • Food: Just mommy milk.
  • Development: You roll all over the place. If we lay you on your back, you almost instantly flip onto your belly.  You have started to push yourself up with your arms.  Your little hands are always grabbing.  You love to grab the bowls and plates on the table if someone is holding you while eating.
  • Sleep:  You wake up 1-2 times at night, usually waking up around 7am. You nap on and off throughout the day, mainly because we are always running to get a brother or sister from school.  You usually lay down for a good afternoon nap. You roll onto your side or belly when you sleep.
  • What I love about you: You are a happy little guy and love it when someone talks to you.  You usually smile and giggle when one of your brothers or sister talks to you.
 Happy 5 months sweetie!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Crew {21 Weeks Old}

Crew is 21 weeks old! He rolls back and forth now but still would prefer to be held.
Happy 21 weeks little man!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Chesney {7th Lost Tooth}

Chesney lost her 7th tooth (her fourth lost tooth in 2 weeks) today.  This was her left upper central incisor. Now we have to cut some of her food into pieces.

Crew {Rolling: back to front}

Crew rolled from his back to his belly today at 4.5 months.