Saturday, May 24, 2014

This and That

We are loving the nice weather and endless hours of outdoor fun.  Brecken has found a new love, the lawn mower. 
  He also loves swinging the golf club around.
 And he loves this little lady who is so sweet to him. 
 Allie and Ryan came to hang out this past weekend.  The kids always have a good time together.
  Chesney was having a blast playing with a broken arm prior to her x-ray and cast.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Tough Break

Chesney took a spill on her bike last week which ended up in a broken arm.  She was riding her bike down the side walk and swerved to go around Brecken when she fell and landed on her hands.  She barely cried but was more concerned that she skinned up her palm.  She didn't complain for the next couple days until she went down the slide on Sunday and whimpered saying her wrist hurt. She played with her cousins the reminder of the day on Sunday without a complaint.  I took her to work with me on Monday morning for x-rays that confirmed buckle fracture.   
 A few hours later she was at the orthopedists office for a cast.  He ended up doing a full arm cast because he was concerned she would take a short arm cast off.  She got to pick the color, and there was really no doubt that she would pick pink.
 The doctor and PA were so nice.  And Chesney loved that the PA had the same name as a princess, Tianna.
Chesney has been such a trooper through all of this.  No one would have guessed she fractured her arm aside from the slight deformity I could feel in her wrist and the tenderness at that area.  Thankfully she is on her way to healing now. 
And the cast hasn't stopped her from riding her bike, although she has had to go back to riding with training wheels until the cast is off.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Brecken {16 Months Old}

Brecken hit the 16 month milestone last week. I feel like he is looking so much older all of a sudden.
 He's been busy this month...
   Loving on his sister.
 Celebrating Easter.
 Working on his backswing.
Having picnics.
Being handsome.
Celebrating Mommy.

Brecken's 16 month stats:
  • Weight: 18.5 pounds
  • Length:  30.5 inches 
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month clothes. You are wearing 12 month sleepers. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 shoe. You wore holes in your Pumas this month and got a new pair of Pumas.
  • Diapers: Mostly cloth diapers with Pampers (size 3) at night
  • Food: You either eat really well or you don't eat at all. We get 1-2 good meals each day. You like chicken, noodles, grilled cheese, pizza, fruit, peas, corn. You drink mommy milk and water. 
  • Development: You love to run which is probably why you haven't gained any weight this month.  You like to read a book before bed and give hugs and kisses.
  • Words: You are started to say a lot more in the past month.  You now say Dada, hi, hello, bye bye, thank you and Chesney.
  • Teeth: No new teeth this month.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7 pm and wake up at 7-8 am.  You take a 1.5 hour morning and afternoon nap.  Your morning nap is around 9 and afternoon around 1.
  • What I love about you: You such a smiley little guy.  When you do get mad, you get over it pretty quick and move on to something else.  You are still loving the vacuum and figured out how to remove the canister. You love your big sister so much and try to do everything she does.
 Happy 16 months Mr. Blue Eyes!  Love you beyond words!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Kate's Graduation

My sister's 2 year journey to her master's degree has finally come to an end, and we couldn't be more proud of her.  Today we celebrated her graduation from UW-Madison with her Masters of Social Work.
 This has definitely been a long journey with lots of hard work and stress.  Working a full time job, completing an internship, going to school every Saturday, raising a family and being pregnant...this girl is beyond amazing!
 Kate, we are so proud of all your hard work.  Congrats on your Masters of Social Work!  We love you!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Chesney {4K Visit}

Chesney had her classroom visit for 4K today at St. John Vianney.  She was so excited to see the classroom and meet her teacher.
 She listened to a story and then colored a butterfly while she was there.  Then she played a little before we left.  She had so much fun meeting the other kids and seeing her new school.  After that visit, I'm pretty sure her first day will be harder for me than her.  My baby girl is growing up way too fast!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sun and Fun

We had a warm and fun weekend with lots of outdoor time, meals on the deck and dirty bare feet.
 I don't know if it was this warm, but she wanted to play in the sprinkler.  And she had fun.
 Brecken had to help Daddy with some fixing.
 And Chesney wanted to learn how to knit.
 On Sunday, Chesney woke up bright and early and came running in our room.  Daddy told her to tell me happy Mother's Day which she did and then promptly asked "where are our presents Daddy".  Daddy explained that it was Mother's Day not kid's day.  Chesney told him over and over "Daddy just say it's kids day".  After a few minutes he just gave in and told her "Okay it's kid's day too".  Chesney didn't miss a beat saying "Well then where are my presents".  And that is one of the best things about being a mother, never ending entertainment.

Then I got the perfect card.  I would almost think Charlie called the card company to have this card personally made for me.
 We celebrated Mother's Day with Grandma and Grandpa.  We had lunch on the deck followed by some gifts.  Chesney recorded a book for Grandma with Brecken laughing in the background.
 Meanwhile, Brecken decided he wanted to sit in Chesney's baby highchair.  He was pretty proud when Grandpa put him in it.  Grandpa gets a kick out of his little buddy.
 Chesney and Grandma on the other hand have a special relationship.  The pictures below pretty much sum it up.
 We did some playing and cleaning after the little party.  Then we scrubbed the little ones clean before bed.  These warm weekends sure are lots of fun.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I have said if before and I'll say it again, my favorite role in life is being a mommy.  I have been blessed with the most amazing children.  I just love them to pieces.
 Happy Mother's Day to my mom and my little one's Grammy.  You are always up for a trip to the park or a walk and these littles love it. We love you so very much!
Happy Mother's Day to the Kristoff to my Anna, Terence to my Tinkerbell, Flynn Rider to my Tangled, food dodger to my beast and most of all, grandma to my babies. We love you Grandma!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Weekend Adventures

Last weekend was full of beautiful weather and lots of family fun.  We started Saturday with swimming lessons followed by some outside play while Brecken napped.  Chesney did some sidewalk art and then flew a kite.
 It was quite a job to keep that kite flying, but she loved it.
 When Brecken woke up, the kids spent some time outside playing together.
 Brecken's favorite thing to do is check for mail.
 And he loves bubbles.
 Daddy added the glider to the swing set while the kids did some swinging.
 We had a picnic dinner on the swing set.  Chesney triple loves picnics.
 Brecken took his dinner for a ride down the slide.
 And then finished eating it.
Daddy worked with Chesney for a short time on Sunday on perfecting her bike riding skills.  By the end of the quick lesson, she was turning around in driveways, catching her balance and using her brakes.  After Brecken's morning nap, we rode to a nearby park. Chesney rode all the way and did great.  In the afternoon, we decided to ride to Grandma and Grandpa's house about 2.5 miles from home.  Chesney again rode the entire way there and back without an issue. Poor Brecken was lonely riding by himself in the trailer.   We are so proud of Chesney!
Needless to day, we had two tired kiddos on Sunday night.