Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chesney's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated Chesney's 1st birthday last weekend, on March 26, with our families. It was so much fun to plan this party and even more fun to have everyone together. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families!
I just love that Chesney can now play (I use that term loosely) with her cousins.

We had lasagna, garlic bread, and salad to eat and punch and soda to drink.

And of course we had cake!

This was Chesney's little cake. The zebra topper was the cutest thing ever. It still makes me smile.

She didn't want anything to do with her cake. She eat the raspberries we put on the tray next to the cake but refused to eat the cake.

Until we pulled out the chocolate cupcake. She seemed to enjoy the bottom of the cupcake. (This could work out well because I like the frosting so we could be tag team cupcake eaters!)

Chesney had lots of helpers to open her presents!

We had so much fun celebrating a very special year! Happy birthday sweet girl! We love you so much!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

12 Months Old

Happy 1st Birthday Princess! We love you so much. I still can not believe how fast this year has passed. Really it doesn't seem possible that we have been loving, hugging, and kissing you for that long.

Here is what you are up to at 12 months:
  • Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz (63 percentile)
  • Length: 30 1/4 inches (85 percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 months clothes and a couple 12-18 month.
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 shoe (12-18 month shoes). You really like only your Pediped shoes which have flexible soles so you can move easily in them.
  • Diapers: Size 4 Pampers or Huggies (We hardly use cloth anymore because you eat so many blueberries that every diaper is dirty and blue!)
  • Food: You love, love, love raspberries and blueberries. I think you could live off those alone with milk. You still eat mostly what we eat but haven't had a lot of meat yet. You refuse to eat bananas. For breakfast you usually have pancakes, waffles, or french toast and cereal once in a while. I stopped nursing you in the middle of this month.
  • Development: You can crawl fast and love to walk behind your push toys. You almost run sometimes when you are pushing your toys. You know to wave when we say hi or bye. You love to brush your teeth, and it is part of the bedtime routine now. 
  • Words: You can now say 5 words, Bye bye, da-da, hi, baby, and blueberry (I swear she said that, she eats them enough to know the proper name!)  
  • Sleep: You have kept the same sleeping schedule for so long now that it is just routine. You go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between 6:15 and 6:45 am. You take a 1 to 2 hour nap in the morning and a 45 minute to one hour nap in the afternoon. You wake up standing in your crib now. We now read like 7 books before bed (you love to read so much that we read all day).
  • Teeth: No new teeth this month. Still only four.
  • What I love about you: You are such a sweet little girl and make us smile a million times a day. It seems crazy that you were born one year ago. You have filled our lives with so much joy and happiness. We are crazy about you Chesney. We hope all of your years don't pass this fast because we just aren't ready to let you go yet. We love you soooo much!!
In today's mail you got a recordable book from Grammy and Grampy called All the Ways I Love you. It is so sweet to hear their voices read that story. Grandma and Grandpa got you a baby. It fits you perfect since that is your favorite word. You hold that baby and say baby over and over and over! And your best buddy Allie came over to Grandma and Grandpa's house today to play. I'm sure she is really excited that you called her baby all day.

Love, love, love you to pieces and just love, loving you!

Happy 1st Birthday Peanut!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today is the last day that Chesney is zero years old. I am so sad that my little girl will be one tomorrow, but amazed that a year has passed so quickly.

I remember working this day last year and thinking how the baby could come anytime after I finished that week. But clearly she had different plans as she woke me up early the morning of the 23rd to let me know that it was time to celebrate her birth day.

One year ago today was just another ordinary day, but one year ago tomorrow was the most amazing day of my life. And every tomorrow after that was and is just as amazing. I love you to pieces Chesney Sue. Happy last day of being zero!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

School buses

Every morning either before we leave the house or while we are playing upstairs, we watch for the school bus to come. The bus picks up and drops off right outside of our house. Chesney waves at the kids and points at the bus. Friday she was waiting for the bus to come and was waving at the girl waiting for the bus. I don't think these kids see her, but she sure sees them.
One of Chesney's favorite new words is baby. She calls everything and everyone a baby. In fact, she pointed at the girl waiting for the bus and said "baby" on Friday.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chesney's 1st Haircut

Today I was going to get my hair trimmed, and I decided to take Chesney with to have her bangs trimmed. Chesney loves to have her hair combed so I was hoping she would sit semi-still for a haircut. She will sit still for quite a while for me to comb her hair, even when I have to comb out snarls.

The before shot with some long bangs (many are swiped to the side so this picture does not show the full effect)!
Heidi, who cut her hair, was so sweet to her. She even had tape all ready to save her hair!

Chesney sat on my lap and just stared at the lady's pink comb. When she tried to grab it, Heidi let her have it and pulled out another pink comb. Chesney let her comb and cut for a little while, and then grabbed the other pink comb as the lady was finishing up.
She did such a great job. She sat still the entire 90 seconds it took to trim her bangs.
This is all the hair she cut. Heidi said she didn't want to cut her her hair too short so it looked like her bangs that came from the back of her head. Chesney even got to leave with one pink comb.