Thursday, August 16, 2018

Cottage Trip

We took a long weekend trip to Upper Michigan with my parent's and had a wonderful time. 
 We spent a lot of time just playing in the water. Grampy even got in the tube with the kids.
And we went on a few boat rides.
 The kids loved fishing with Grammy and Grampy.  They especially loved getting up early to go out fishing before breakfast.

 We cooked dinner over the campfire one night.
 We took a trip to Horse Race Rapids to hike and see the water.

 Crafting with Grammy.

 Thanks for coming with us Grammy and Grampy.  We had a great time!


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Crew {16 Months Old}

Crew is 16 months old.
This is what he has been up to over the past month.

Eating sweet corn and watermelon.
Went on a trip to Lake Geneva with mommy and daddy.
Eating lots of popsicles.
Playing at the park.
Going to a baseball game with the family.
Helping mommy water plants.
Got your first haircut (August 9, 2018).

Your 16 month stats: 
  • Weight: 21.5 pounds
  • Length: 30.25 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing size 12-18 month clothes and 12-18 month sleepers.
  • Shoes: You wear size 4 shoes
  • Diapers: You wear a mix of cloth and paper diapers.
  • Food: Mommy milk and water. You still love to eat. You have been a sweet corn eating machine. You like to have a spoon when you eat so you can try to feed yourself.
  • Development: You love to push your toys outside and have started to scoot around on a bike.
  • Words: You say dada, hot, mama, hi, thank you, please, hot-dog, ni-ni (good night), car.
  • Teeth: You have 12 teeth
  • Sleep:  You sleep through the night and take a short morning and a longer afternoon nap.
  • What I love about you: You love to explore and get into things which often ends up in a big mess to clean up.  But you always have a smile on your face.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Crew {1st Haircut}

Crew had his first official haircut by someone other than myself.  He sat perfectly still through the entire thing. I think he enjoys getting a trim.
He looks so cute with his new hair style.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Fun, Fun, Fun

The summer fun just doesn't stop.  A few interesting fellas were driving the gator.
 Lunch with the neighbor kids one day.
 Crew loves to help me water the plants.  If I say I'm going to water, he grabs his watering can and heads for the hose.

We went to the library one afternoon and played for a bit.
 Bike rides to the park now include Mackston's bike. It makes pulling the bike trailer about 30 pounds lighter.
 That's a lot of energy in a little truck.
 We have been raising some monarch caterpillars and watching them turn into butterflies at our house.  So the kids painted butterflies at Grandpa and Grandma's house one day.
 They are also learning some good woodworking skills.
 The library had a local author come in to read her book If I Had a Jet Pack.  The kids liked the story and loved making their own jet packs. They also had some face painting.
 We purchased the book and had the author sign it for the kids.
 This gang showed up for a dance party one morning while I was cleaning up breakfast dishes.