Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

We had such a fun Halloween evening with our little monkey!
 We are just banana's over this little girl.
She wasn't fan of her monkey suit at first but it grew on her.  We did have to evacuate the costume once for a potty break which turned into a bit of a task when the zipper got caught on the fur (but she made it to the potty in time!)
 Love that little tail!
Chesney had so much fun watching the kids come to the door and saying "trick or treat" to them.  We didn't actually take her out because technically she gets enough Kit-Kats from Grammy and Grampy to last the year!  Just kidding, sort of, but she was having more fun just watching the kids and opening the door when the door bell rang.  We ended our night by watching the Great Pumpkin at Chesney's request.
 Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Family Traditions - Halloween

Last night, we started a tradition that will be sure to stick in this family.  We watched "Its The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown".  
 Chesney never sits still long enough to watch a show, but she loved the Charlie Brown. 
 I love having family traditions like these!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Family Photos 2011

We had family photos taken last weekend.  The best part was that these were taken by an old friend from elementary/middle school (so we got to catch-up as well).  She did such a wonderful job!  Here are some sneak peeks!

A HUGE "Thank you" to Bobbi for capturing these special moments.  We definately have some wall hangers!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chesney 19 Months

We have more fun with you every month (which makes me wonder what kind of fun you have in store for us this month!)


Here is what you are up to at 19 Months:
  • Weight: 26 lbs
  • Length: 33 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 months clothes and a few 18-24 month (especially pants because your 12-18 month ones are getting too short)
  • Shoes: You wear a size 6 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear training underwear during the day and a size 4 diaper at night.  You wear a cloth diaper at nap time and it is usually dry.
  • Food: You are eating a better variety of foods but meat is still tricky.  You do like tacos and lunch meat though.  You have a new love for ketchup which you think is a food itself.  You will use your fingers, a spoon, or anything you are eating to dip in ketchup and lick the ketchup off.
  • Development: This month you have been potty training.  You are doing so well and rarely have accidents.  We travel with your potty in the car now, just in case you need to potty.  You get a treat when you go potty and know to say treat after you go to be sure we don't forget.  You also got a doll house this month and love to play with it.  You will talk to the dolls and pretend they are talking to each other.  You love to have them go potty.  You like to take a shower and will stand in there by yourself, playing with the bottles and your toys.
  • Words: You are a little chatter bug.  You constantly talk and know how to communicate what you want.  You usually talk in sentences.  You have an incredible memory and can usually remember a word or name for something after you are told once.  Mommy always says "Thank you very much" to people and you know tell people "Thank you much".  And a few days ago, you were riding in the cart and we walked by some people and you said "Excuse me please".  (People turn into a puddle of mush and move when a little lady says something that cute!)  You love to sing and in the car, you listen to your CD.  Your favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Monkeys Jumping on the Bed", "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" and "Wheels on the Bus". 
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 7:00 am.  We read a few books before bed and then you talk in bed for a little bit before falling asleep.  You take one 1.5 hour nap every day.
  • Teeth: None this month. 
  • What I love about you: Daddy and I love it when you pull on our hand to go play with you.  We love that you want to snuggle in our bed every morning and at night.  We love how many hugs and kisses we get and that you have learned to say "love you".
We love you little angel!  Thank you for making every day so amazing!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do you have this tool?

I use it to serve spaghetti, but apparently Chesney has seen this used to clean up "doggy poopy" at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
As she pretended to pick up "poopy", she would take it over to her potty to pretend to dump it.  This girl always makes me smile.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Potty Training

 Do you know why this girl is so smiley?  Because she is potty training and doing so great!
We started working on a potty training a couple weeks ago, and for the past week, she has been dry the entire day (including naps) when she is home and most of the day at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  She gets a chocolate chip every time she uses the potty or a piece of a Kit-Kat if she visits Grammy and Grampy.

We got her some cute underwear in monkeys, flowers, and polka dots.
And as a bonus, we get a "good job" if we go potty now too!  Funny story, this past weekend at my parent's house, Chesney went on her potty and got a treat.  A few minutes later, Chesney asked Kate for a Kit-Kat to which Kate replied "only if you go on the potty."  So Chesney went over to the potty (which I forgot to empty), looked in the potty and then turned and looked at Kate with big eyes and said "good job."  Sadly, she didn't get another treat.
Chesney, we are so proud of you for picking up potty training so quickly!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby Garrett, Tractor Ride & Park

This past weekend, we made a trip to see Grammy and Grampy and meet our new nephew, Garrett, who was born on October 14 weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long.  We loved meeting that little man.  Chesney thought we were calling him Carrot, so she calls him "baby Carrot."
Congrats to the new family, and welcome Garrett Brian!

Chesney was in heaven when Grampy suggested we call my Uncle Dave to take a ride in his combine.
She was so happy to see Grammy driving the tractor with my Uncle and still talks about "Grammy's tractor."
 I am all about fashion, and I L-O-V-E my boots, but I promise you, this trip was not planned or I would have worn more appropriate shoes (maybe)!

And to end the day, we went to the zoo in Chippewa.  We got to see bears and tigers.
 We can't wait to go back to the zoo next summer to see all the animals.
 Thanks for the fabulous weekend Grammy and Grampy!  We love you!