Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mackston {4 Months Old}

4 months old little Mac and growing so fast.
You love your brother (and sister) like crazy.
 Your smiles usually turn into this...about 15,000 times daily.
 Here is what you have been up to over the past month...
Taking walks.
Partying with cousins, lots of cousins, lots of partying!
Participating in the diabetes research walk for cousin Allie.
Grabbing chow with the family.
Visiting the apple orchard.
Visiting big diggers.

Your 4 month stats:

  • Weight:  14lb 4oz (21th percentile)
  • Length: 26 inches (80th percentile)

  • Clothes: You are wearing 3-6 month clothes.
  • Shoes: We have not put shoes on you yet.
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night.  You don't like it when your diaper is wet though and will sometimes fuss if it is.
  • Food: Just mommy milk. And you've got this bottle thing down.
  • Development: You like to bat at your toys under your gym and sometimes you grab onto them.  Everything goes to your mouth now so we got you a little teething toy to chew on.
  • Words: None
  • Sleep:  You sleep through the night most of the time.  Sometimes you are so exhausted that you go to bed at 8.  Then you need a 5am snack when I get up because you are so hungry. You sleep for 9-11 hour stretch at night..  You have been on a nap strike lately.  Just little cat naps here and there but typically you take a good afternoon nap.  I guess you don't want to miss out on any of the action.
  • What I love about you: You are smiles for days and giggles galore.  You are so laid back and usually as calm as can be.

Happy 4 Months Mackston!  We love you so very much!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mackston {17 Weeks Old}

This guy is the happiest little man.  So full of giggles and smiles.
And he's as handsome as can be. He loves to watch and bat at his toys on his gym or in his bouncer, and he loves to be held.
Happy 17 weeks Mackston.  We love you so much little buddy!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weekly Blogdate

Another week, another update...also known as a picture dump.
 I was so excited to join Chesney's kindergarten class on Tuesday for a trip to the apple orchard.  And she was equally excited to have her Mommy along for the trip.  I got to watch them do their circle time before the field trip.  So fun to see a glimpse of what they do daily.
 Chesney and her bestie Kendall were partners.  They sat together in the bus and asked me to sit in the seat with them.
 The picture below just melts my heart. I hope these two stay friends forever.
 They learned how to pick apples.
 And then they each got to pick a bag to take home.
 The loot!
 The kindergarten classes all together.
 They had a snack of an apple donut, an apple slice and apple cider.
 I surprised Chesney with a caramel apple that I got at the orchard and took home for her after school snack.
 Saturday we had a birthday party for Allie and Ryan.  The theme was wear the same outfit that the birthday boy or girl is wearing.
 Ryan got a skateboard and Brecken was pretty amazed by it.
 Nice matching shirts little dudes. Trouble x 2.
 I've decided that no matter what outfit Chesney has, Allie likely has the same one.
 And the birthday party fun included a bounce house.
 Sunday we went to a local gravel pit for a fundraiser where the kids got to play on rocks and ride in diggers.
 We look pretty small in this big scoop.
 Little people big tire.
 A giant sand hill made for lots of fun and dirty kids from head to toe.
 And day 2 of bounce house fun, this time at the gravel pit.
 More little people, big tires.
 These 3 are my world!
 We ended the afternoon with some face painting.
 It was lots of fun but apparently exhausting.