Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Memorial Weekend

We had  such a fun weekend.  The weather was hot and we had great company.  Grammy and Grampy came for the weekend, and they brought a ton of fun and a bounce house along.
They also got a fishing pole for Mackston for his birthday, so they decided to get the kid's poles ready and go fishing.
 It was quite the fishing trip.  They caught Grampy twice, Grammy once and Mackston caught himself once.  No fish were caught, but they didn't care.
 The remainder of the weekend was spent swimming and jumping in the bounce house.
 And we did make a quick trip for ice cream.
Thanks for spending the weekend with us.  We had a blast, and we hope you did too.

Brecken {Pre-K graduation}

Brecken graduated from Pre-K today.  This year just went by so fast, and he has grown so much. I love that he loves school and learning now.
 The graduation program included a slide show and then a few songs.
 And a packet of their work which the teacher had saved from the year.
We are so proud of you Brecken!

Mackston (3rd birthday}

Our little Mackey is 3 years old. His birthday was a busy day as we had Brecken's Pre-K graduation today as well. 
 We started the morning with birthday pancakes. Mac gets pretty excited about even the smallest things, so he was a pretty happy birthday boy. 
 After work we had dinner with Grandpa and Grandma. Then Mackston opened some gifts, and we had some oreo ice cream cake.
 After Brecken's graduation we went home and let him open the gift from us.
 We seemed to have 3 boys who were very interested in the wheelbarrow.

Your 3 year stats:

  • Weight:  32lbs 6oz (64th percentile)
  • Length: 37 inches(70th percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 3T clothes and pjs.
  • Shoes: You wear size 8 or 9 shoes
  • Food: You eat pretty much everything, except you do not love vegetables.  And when you eat, you usually eat a lot of food.  You drink milk, water, juice.
  • Development: You love to ride your bike and run outside. You will color for short periods of time. You can spell Mackston out loud. You can count to 14.
  • Words: Your speech is becoming so clear and you talk non-stop.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7:30 pm and wake up between 6 and 6:30 everyday. You skip naps most days when you are home.
  • What I love about you:  You have the biggest smile and are the happiest little boy!
Happy 3rd birthday Mackston!  We love you so much!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Mackston {Last Day of 2}

Our little Mac is almost 3.  He is such a little spitfire sometimes and the most cuddly little boy other times.  But his big brown eyes and wavy hair get me every single time. I could snuggle that little boy all day long if he wasn't so busy.
And no one has a bigger smile than Mackston.  Sometimes I think he smiles in his sleep.
Happy last day of 2 Mackston.  We love you so much!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Busy days

We have had some busy days with the school year coming to an end, but we are finding so much entertainment from these kids. 
 Chesney recently rearranged her room and moved this doll crib into her room.   One night we put Mackston in his bed for the night and let Chesney stay up for a little while.  When we put Chesney to bed, we tucked her in and were talking for a little bit before leaving.  She was laughing how Mackston likes to pull the covers over his head before he goes to bed.  So after we left her room, we checked to make sure Mackston didn't have the covers over his head, but we found an empty bed.  We looked in a few places in his room and couldn't find him. So we went back in Chesney's room and found him tucked into her doll bed.  Ironically, we had found Brecken sleeping in her room under her papasan chair the week before. I guess these boys think their big sister is a big deal.
 A little walk with the neighbor kids and dogs.
 We went to the park one day and Crew could barely stand the excitement of going in the swing.  He was giggling and squealing.
 Mackston was helping pick out his birthday party theme.
Chesney and Brecken had their spring sing on May 17 which included some pretty fancy dance moves.  We went out for some ice cream afterwards to celebrate.
 We spent an afternoon at Grandpa and Grandma's house one weekend so Daddy could help them build some raised gardens.  The kids had out the tools and were hard at work as well.