Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Happy Birthday Mackston

Mackston is 2 years old.  And he got spoiled rotten today because he's a big deal.
 We started the day with the traditional birthday pancakes.
 We made a chocolate oreo cake. My helpers were excited to taste the creation.
 The cake tasted amazing.
 Mac got a new set of wheels for his birthday.  This will get some good use with 3 boys.
 And a leaf blower from Grandpa and Grandma.
He got right to work with it.
Happy 2nd birthday Mac!

Mackston {2 Years Old}

Mackston is 2!  He's a sweet boy who loves to keep up with his big brother and sister.

Your 2 year stats:
  • Weight:  27lbs 13oz (46th percentile)
  • Length: 35 inches(72nd percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 2T clothes and pjs. The bottoms are a little looser now that you wear underwear.
  • Shoes: You wear size 5 shoes
  • Diapers: You are potty trained...Yay!  You wear a cloth diaper at bedtime and nap time.
  • Food: Whole milk and water.  You are not a picky eater.  You are willing to try just about anything.
  • Development: You can count to 11 and know most of the ABCs song. You love to sing and repeat what people say. You ride a balance bike.
  • Words: You can say and repeat pretty much anything now.
  • Teeth: You have 16 teeth.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7:30 pm and sleep until we take Chesney to school (7:30ish).  You take a 1-2 hour nap daily in the afternoon.
  • What I love about you:  You have a permanent smile on your face. You love to run and play (especially outside).

Crew {7 Weeks Old}

Our littlest guy is 7 weeks old. He likes to smile and has started to coo as well.
 We went to visit Grammy and Grampy this week so he got lots of snuggle time.  And a bath in their sink.
This little guy is growing way too fast.  But we are loving his smiles and coos.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Mackston {Last Day of 1}

Today is the last day my little Mac is one.  He has grown up so much quicker than the others because he is always trying to keep up with them. And he does a pretty good job of keeping up with them.
 You're a spicy little guy who loves to smile. You never stop moving!! You are on the move from sun up to sun down.
 I can hardly believe how fast the past 2 years have gone. I'll take all the sloppy kisses I can get because it won't be long before you'll be too busy to stop for smooches. Happy last day of 1 Mackston! We love you!!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Mackston {Potty Trained}

Mackston is officially potty trained. We are so proud of how quickly this little guy learned, and he did it before his 2nd birthday! He is so excited to be wearing "unies" (aka undies). And just like that we are back to having only one in diapers! Way to go Mac!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Weekly Update

We are closing in on the end of another school year and so excited to have Chesney home with us again soon.
 I know one little boy who will get extra lovins.
 Guess what?  We were outside a lot this week.
 Chesney had her spring concert.  The songs were so cute but this little lady was even cuter!
 Little buddies watching a show in the morning.
 Cinnamon sugar french toast bites were a huge hit last weekend.
More smiles from this sweet boy.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Crew {6 Weeks Old}

Crew is 6 weeks old. He's sleeping less during the day but still quite a bit. And he's still a big deal around here.
 New guy in charge of the remote.
Crew is so much more alert and has his big eyes open often now.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Getting out

The weather has been warmer which means we are once again practically living outside.
 I had lots of "help" planting flowers.  It turned messy pretty quickly and then the boys found the garden hose and washed each other off.  It was a mess, but they had fun.
 We went to the park, more than once.
 Mackston found some sunglasses.
 These two talented brothers decided to balance cheese on their heads while I made lunch one day.
 We had smoothies and Mackston was in charge of blending.
 These two stick together like glue.  Chesney is such a big help, and she doesn't even realize it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Crew {5 Weeks Old}

Crew has hit the 5 week mark and developed a new talent this week.  He can now smile.  He gave his first smiles on the perfect day, Mother's Day.
 We got a new sleep sack for Crew because he likes to have his hands by his face.  He sleeps well and just looks so cute.
 Crew's first smiles.
This little guy loves to nap.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

I had a fabulous Mother's Day which was mainly spent outside. I received some pretty awesome gifts.

I have some fabulous kids and an amazing husband.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Crew {1st Smiles}

Today Crew woke up extra happy and gave his first smiles. Chesney was so excited as she was holding him when he smiled for the first time.
Looking forward to many more smiles from this sweet boy.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Crew {1 Month Old}

Our baby boy is one month old.  Crew has been such a special addition to this family, and we couldn't be more thankful for him.
Here is what you have been up to over the past month..
You were born into this crazy family.
You stole heart
 after heart
after heart.
And you made us all so happy.
You took your first bath on April 15.
You got spoiled
and over again.
You slept, a lot.
You celebrated your first Easter.
You went on your first road trip to Grampy and Grammy's house.
You found one of your favorite napping spots, daddy's shoulder.
You went for lots of walks.

Your 1 month stats:

  • Weight:  9lb 14oz (51st percentile)
  • Length: 21.5 inches (48th percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 0-3 month clothes.
  • Shoes: We have not put shoes on you yet.
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night. 
  • Food: Just mommy milk.
  • Development: You are staying awake for slightly longer periods of time.  Your eyes are starting to focus and you know mommy's voice.
  • Sleep:  You wake up twice at night, usually around 2 am and and again around 4 or 5 am.  You nap on and off throughout the day. You love to sleep on daddy's shoulder or mommy's chest.  I think you want to be a belly sleeper.
  • What I love about you: You make every single person in this family smile daily.  Everyone fights to hold you and cuddle with you.  You are the perfect addition to this family.
Happy 1 month Crew.  We love you so much!