Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chesney {4.5 Years Old}

Chesney is officially 4 1/2 years old. On September 23 we celebrated with a half birthday sprinkle pancake and a round of Happy Birthday.
Chesney loves these little things and talked about it all day.
At 4.5 years old, you know all of your letters and how to write them.  You can read some sight words.  You know your colors and shapes and how to tie a shoe. You prefer to wear dresses and sparkly shoes. You are a girly girl!  You love to be silly and laugh a good portion of the day. You have a heart of gold and are so compassionate. You are such a wonderful little lady, and we couldn't possibly love you more. Happy 4.5 baby girl!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Brecken {20 Months Old}

Brecken is 20 months old.  As in 4 months from his 2nd birthday.  This is crazy stuff!
We have been busy getting Chesney to and from school and catching as much time outside as we can before it cools down.  Here are a few other things you have done over the past month:
Played some golf.

 Pushed your dump truck around.

 Celebrated Allie and Ryan's birthdays where you got these sweet monster glasses.

Reading Dinosaur Dig with Chesney.

Eating your food without utensils. This too falls into the "Chesney never did that" category.

Brecken's 20 month stats:
  • Weight: 19.8 lbs
  • Length:  31.5 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month bottoms but will need to move up to the 12-18 size in pants for length very soon and 12-18 month shirts. You are wearing your 12 and 18 month sleepers (the arms are getting short on the 12 month sleepers). 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 shoe.
  • Diapers: Cloth diapers with Pampers (size 3) at night.  You go on the potty 2-3 times a day and are usually dry after naps.
  • Food: You have gotten better about eating some food at all meals. You wake up hungry every morning.  You do not want to play when you wake up, you want to eat. You are drinking whole milk and love water.
  • Development:  You love to read books; your favorite is Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things that Go (or Goldbug as we know it).  You can find Goldbug on every page. You are really starting to pick up more words but you understand an incredible amount. You like to get in the middle of whatever Chesney is playing which can get her worked up at times. You love diggers.  You have a favorite digger book that we read every night.
  • Words: You finally say "momma".  I have wait nearly 20 glorious months for this and I love it! You are talking more and more but like to squeal too. 
  • Teeth: No new teeth this month.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7:00 pm and wake up at 7 am. We have to get you up at 7 everyday now because we have to get Chesney to school.  No more sleeping in for you.  You take a 1.5 hour morning and afternoon nap.  Your morning nap is around 9 and afternoon around 1.
  • What I love about you: You love golf!  Daddy bought a set of kid's golf clubs and you love to swing them.  You have a left handed swing with quite a bit of power behind it.  You are the sweetest little and have become shy around people you don't know.  You will hide behind mommy or daddy or bury your head in my shoulder if some tries to talk to you.  I think you miss your sister while she is at school because you usually go give her a hug as soon as she comes out of her classroom.
Brecken you are a little ball of energy and love.  Happy 20 months little guy!  Love you!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chesney {1st Field Trip and Bus Ride}

Chesney went on her first field trip ever today to the Apple Barn (apple orchard).  I was beyond excited to chaperone for her class.  I live for this stuff.
 In addition to being her first field trip, it was her first bus ride.  And who knew buses have seat belts now?!? 
 Mommy and Chesney ready for a bus ride to the apple orchard.
 The kids learned lots of fun stuff about apples.  First they watched a video about harvesting apples, and then they enjoyed a snack of apple slices, an apple donut and apple cider.
After a tour of the gift shop, they headed out for a wagon ride.
 They got to see lots of pumpkins and apples on their ride.
 They learned the proper way to pick an apple.
 Because they each got to pick a whole bag of apples to take home.
 Riding back to the apple orchard with her 4K friends.
 Before we left, the kids got to play on an old fire truck at the apple orchard.
I think Chesney enjoyed her first field trip, and I sure had a blast going along.  I may be a permanent chaperone in her classroom.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dig It

We went to a fun little event today called Monster Machines in Motion.  It was all about diggers, and the kids had a blast.  Cousins Allie and Ryan went along for the fun.
 They climbed giant piles of rocks.
 Ran through a semi trailer made into a mini park.
Drove a digger.  Brecken was so excited to see the diggers.  He was pointing at them, screaming and pumping his arms but cried once he got in the digger.  Chesney loved it though.
 Little kids in a big bucket.
 Brecken checked out a big tractor with monster tires.
 And the kids dug in the sand for diamond stones.
 We finished the day with a little ice cream treat (on a rock pile).
 Brecken refuses to eat ice cream, so he used his spoon to dig in the rocks.
The kids had lots of fun which was obvious by the amount of dirt they had on them when we left.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lawn Mower Love

I've never met a boy with more love for a lawn mower than Brecken.  He runs to the lawn mower any time we let him out in the garage.  And he always grabs either mine or daddy's lawn mowing shoes (sometimes both of ours). He is able to pull the lawn mower back and push it outside.

 He loves to pretend to put gas in the mower and will try every gas can we have (we don't have gas is most of them, and the big one that does have gas in it is too big for him).  The boy has this lawn mowing thing down.
 While we mow, Brecken pushes one of his two mowers (sometimes both).
 He learned how to start his mower about a month ago.  And he is so serious when he starts it.
 I bet he will find a new love, a snow blower, in the months to come.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Outdoor Fun

Brecken has two summer loves, golf and the lawn mower.  I'll post about his love for the lawn mower another time, but recently, he spent some time chipping around with Daddy.
 He seems to be a lefty at this point, be we will see what happens over the next couple years.  Either way, he likes hitting the ball.
 Chesney loves drawing with chalk and riding her bike. We often have some good driveway art on display!
It's so nice to spend lots of time outside as fall is quickly closing in.