Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chesney 17 Months Old

Wow my baby girl is growing fast!  The months just seem to fly by now.  
 Here is what you are up to at 17 Months:
  • Weight: 26 lbs
  • Length: 33 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 months clothes 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 or 5 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear a size 3 during the day and size 4 at night.
  • Food: You have become much less picky with eating.  Whatever we are eating, you always say "bite, bite".  If you don't like the taste of something, you spit it out.  You love corn on the cob.  You can eat with a fork and spoon now, but still like to eat with your fingers.
  • Development: You run a lot!  And when you run, you almost swing your body sideways (we are afraid you are going to fall).  You can pedal a bike a little.  You are starting to know what you want.  If you don't want to ride in the stroller you will say "no" and arch  your back.  You would much rather run in the store than ride in a stroller anymore (I didn't think shopping could get more difficult, wrong again).  Going for a walk now means you ride your bike for a while and then jump in the stroller for a ride (poor daddy usually gets stuck carrying the bike the rest of the walk).
  • Words: We are convinced that you can say any word (except you did just smile at me when I said "supercalifragilistic expialidoshus", so may be have some work to do).  You can say all your aunts, uncles, and cousins names.  You know tons of animal sounds.  You can point to and name ears, eyes, nose, mouth, belly, knees, toes, and fingers.  You started singing some in the car.  You say "round, round all town" and "up and down" during the Wheels on the Bus song. You also say "pop goes weasel."
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 7:00 am.  You now get rocked to sleep every night.  After bath and brushing your teeth we read a book and then you say "rock baby".  I love rocking you to sleep.  You are quite entertaining while I'm rocking your though.  You usually point to my eyes, clap your hands, and sing some songs before falling asleep. We have switched you to one nap daily which usually happens around 12:30 or 1:00 and lasts for 1.5-2 hours.  You sleep with Mickey and blankie.
  • Teeth: Both lower lateral incisors came in this month. 
  • What I love about you: You make us so happy!  We just love watching you play and interact.  And we find ourselves laughing about something funny you did at least once daily.  The best new thing is defiantly rocking you at night because I get to sneak in some extra snuggle time!  I love it when you smile and wrinkle your nose.
Chesney, you are the sweetest little girl in the world!  We love you so very much.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Chesney's hair is finally long enough for pig tails!  I love to do her hair this way because it stays out of her face.
 I just love, love, love this look on her!
  The back is curly so when it drys, it falls out of the piggies into curls (even cuter)!
 I just want to kiss that face!
   Such a happy little angel!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's Cookin'

Chesney has been bored with her toys so we bought her a few big things in the past couple weeks.  One of the things we bought was a kitchen.
 She is so stickin' cute pretending to cook.
 We are so happy she has some big girl toys to play with.  And she is such a ham playing with this kitchen.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Blog Makeover

Have you noticed my new blog look?!?  I'm so in love with this updated look.  I was lucky enough to win a blog make-over from Kelly at 3 kids, a mini-van and a lot of love a few weeks ago.  She was so easy to work with...all I had to do was send her a few pictures and some colors I like and bam instant beautiful blog.

And not only is Kelly a great blogger and mom (to three cutie pies), she also has an Etsy site with tons and tons of cute invites and photo cards!  You must check out her site, www.etsy.com/shop/mamaox!

Thank you so much for the new and very updated look Kelly!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Grammy's Weekend

We were so blessed to have my mom (Grammy) visit us last week for a long weekend.  She arrived Thursday night and stayed until Monday night.  She showed up with this little gift for Chesney.  She loved pushing this shopping cart around with Mickey in it.
 My mom watched Chesney while we worked on Friday and Monday.  And miss Chesney loved every minute of it (except for me leaving in the morning)!
 I had so much fun spending time with my mom.  It was great to have so much time to spend together.  We got to do some girl stuff alone and also spend some family time with her.  And Chesney was asking for Grammy every morning and after nap.
 And lots of time outside.
 Grammy doubles as a great photographer!
We were missing Grammy the second she left.  But she has received lots of phone calls from Chesney since she left. Chesney walks around with her new phone (that Grammy had to buy her at Target) and says "hi Grammy".  Thanks for a weekend of fun and for spending so much time with Chesney.  We miss you and love you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sweet Corn

Chesney's is definitely my girl.
She loves sweet corn!  And even though she only has four front teeth, she can eat the corn off the cob.
 We might have to start a garden, full of corn, to keep up with the sweet corn eaters in this family.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...Almost

Chesney is collecting so many stuffed toys that she is having a hard time holding all of them.  She has her blankie and Mickey, but she got a puppy at the store last week.  This is her on the way to grandma and grandpa's house last week.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Day in the Life of Chesney - Age 1

Today I decided to document Chesney's day.  Kate over at When Hello Means Goodbye has done this post for her little guy for the past few years, and I think it is a great idea.  It is a great way to see how things change from year to year.  And I already look back and wonder what I did with all my time before I had Chesney to keep me busy.  This will be a good reminder of what life was like.

6:30am  I wake up shortly before Chesney and make the bed.

6:35am  Chesney wakes up.  After a quick diaper change, we play in the playroom, mainly in her new playhouse for 45 minutes.  Then Chesney decides she is hungry.

7:15am  Chesney is loving oatmeal right now so I make her oatmeal.  While her oatmeal is cooling, she helps me clean out the dishwasher.

7:30am  Chesney eats breakfast while I put ribs in the crock pot for dinner.
7:45am We go outside to play, and Chesney goes over to the bike and says ride (which means she wants to ride in the bike trailer).  So we hook the bike up and off we go.  Chesney loves to play at the park, so I decide to ride to a nearby school.  We played at the playground for about 30 minutes and then came home.
9:00am We no more than got back from the bike ride, and Chesney took the water bottle which I brought on our bike ride and threw it in her stroller.  So I put her in the stroller, and we went for a short walk.  She kept saying puppy during the walk, but sadly we couldn't find any this time around.
9:30am  After a short break inside to change into a swim suit, we head out by the pool for Chesney to play for a bit.  After she got tired of that, we planted the flowers from Great Grandpa's birthday party in one of our pots.
10:10am  Chesney is hungry for a snack so she has some grapes and a cracker.

10:30am  Chesney plays while I vacuum the stairs.

10:45am  We head upstairs to play in the playroom and read books.  It is very hot in that room, and we are both sweating after a little play so we showered to cool down.

12:00pm  Lunch time!  Chesney has quesadilla, carrots, and strawberries with milk.  She has figured out how to use a fork to pick up food.
12:30pm  Outside to pick up and wash out the recyclable bin and play on the deck.  Then we came in to read some books.

1:00pm  Nap time.  I catch up on uploading pictures to the computer and updating the blog.  And then I do some cleaning. 

3:30pm  Chesney wakes up and has some banana bread and yogurt for a snack.

4:15pm  We head to Target to get some essentials.  (See Grampy, we did our part today to keep Target in business!  I know you expect nothing less from us.)

5:15pm  We leave Target and it is raining pouring out.  Chesney is saying "rain, rain, go away".  We get a call on the way home that the tree in front of our rental property has blown down.  

5:30pm  Chesney eats dinner (spaghetti, corn, and blueberries with milk).  After dinner we play on the deck until Daddy gets home.
6:00pm  Daddy gets home, but has to leave almost immediately to start cutting up the tree that fell. : (  So Chesney and I go back up to the playroom to play in the playhouse and to listen to some "Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". (She isn't normally in the nude, but it was pretty warm in there, and I usually take her clothes off when she eats spaghetti).
7:15pm  Bath time!  Side note: Chesney has been saying "poopy" when she goes to the bathroom and sometimes before she goes.  She has popped on the potty twice now in two weeks.  Well she got in the tub and I had just put soap in her hair and she says "poopy, poopy".  So I take her out of the tub and run to our bathroom to get her potty seat (she follows me dripping wet with soap running down her back).  I put her potty seat on the toilet and put her on it.  She says "book" and points to our bedroom (because I usually read her a book while she tries to go potty).  So I run to get the book from our bathroom and on the way back I hear her going potty.  That is the first time she has went pee on the potty!  I'm amazed that she is understanding the concept of needing to go to the bathroom.  Then we finish up her bath.
7:35pm  Chesney brushes her teeth and comb her hair.  We listen to "Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" one more time (at Chesney's request) and read one book.  Then I tuck Chesney in for the night.