Wednesday, June 23, 2010

3 Months Old

My baby girl, you are so stinkin' cute! I just can't get enough of you! I had to return to work last week which makes me miss you like crazy but coming home to your sweet smile is the best thing ever!

Here is what you are up to at 3 months:
  • Weight: 8lbs 14 oz
  • Length: 23 inches
  • Clothes: You still wear some newborn clothes but you are also wearing 0-3 months clothes now. Some of them are very big on you. You wore a pair of shorts to grammy and grampy's house last weekend and they would just fall down when anyone would pick you up. I think it is your length more than anything that has moved you up to that size.
  • Shoes: You can technically wear your NB shoes now and they semi fit, but you still like to kick them off. Some day you will be begging me and daddy for more shoes to wear.
  • Diapers: size 1
  • Food: Just breast milk. And you are such a little snacker when you eat. You like to eat an ounce or two every 1-2 hours.
  • Development: You are now laughing out loud and smiling all the time. Sometimes you even try to smile while I'm feeding you. Your smiles just melt my heart! You love to lay on the changing table and talk. Usually when I talk to you your legs and arms are flapping and you are trying to make as much noise as you can. You are getting very close to rolling over; you can roll onto your side now.
  • Words: None 
  • Sleep: You have been sleeping through the night since Memorial Day weekend at 9 weeks old. You usually sleep from about 9:30 until about 6:15. Napping is a whole other ball game. You take cat naps and sleep much better in someones arms.
  • Teeth: None yet
  • What I love about you: Of course I love everything about you. I love how you splash in the tub and that tiny little tush you have! That big smile and how you know laugh out loud! I just love you to pieces.
I am so smitten on you! I can't wait to watch you develop and grow in the coming months! We just love loving you!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Daddy, thank you for taking such good care of our baby girl. You make her smile everyday! She is so happy to see your face when you come home from work, and when she wakes up on the weekends! You are the best daddy in the whole world. Thank you for taking such good care of me and Chesney.

Happy Father's Day! We love you Daddy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Little Miss Personality

Chesney is changing so much! She is now smiling and even laughing out loud once in a while. I took a few photos of her yesterday while she was showing off her personality.

I just love this little girl to pieces! Couldn't you just eat her up with a spoon!