Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We are so thankful this year to have such wonderful family and friends. And most of all, we are so thankful to have a baby to fill our arms this Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

8 Months Old

You are 8 months old today! Last year at this time we had just found out we were having a baby girl! This Thanksgiving I am so thankful to have my arms filled by you!

Here is what you are up to at 8 months:
  • Weight: 18 pounds 4 ounces
  • Length: 27 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 months clothes now.
  • Shoes: You wear a size 2 shoe, but we still struggle to keep shoes on you.
  • Diapers: Size 3 Pampers and Bumgenius cloth diapers when we can
  • Food: You are a good eater. You like the orange stuff a little more than the green and veges better than fruits. You have tried carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, mashed potatoes, pears, applesauce, prunes, banana, cereal, avocado, peaches. I still make all of your food (except cereal), and you eat two cubes of vege and two cubes of fruit for lunch and dinner. You eat one cube of applesauce with your cereal at breakfast. You nurse in the morning, and then have a two bottles during the day and one at bedtime. You usually only have one bottle of formula a day. You drink water with your meals, and you are getting better at drinking out of a cup. You can lift it up to your mouth now. We do have a lot of accidents and wet clothes but that's how you learn.
  • Development: You are getting pretty good at sitting but you often see something and lean for it and then tip over. You can pull yourself up on your play table and love to stand at it playing. You are starting to get onto your knees and rock back and forth, but no crawling yet.
  • Words: None
  • Sleep: You are still a great sleeper. You go to bed at about 7:15 every night and wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 am. You take a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the morning and a 30 minute to one hour nap in the afternoon. You sleep in your sleepsack at night now and have no problems with it.
  • Teeth: None yet
  • What I love about you: You are such an easy going baby. You just love to smile! Your new thing is talking non-stop. We can't understand any of it but still you babble on like we do. I think you have thrown a couple da-das out but it's hard to tell in the babbling mess we call talking. You also love to sit in a chair and scream. We will talk to you, and you will scream back. You are just so playful and fun!
The newest trick you have is balancing things on your thumbs. You try to balance everything, even heavy rattles and toys. You usually talk while you are doing it too.

Chesney you are such a blessing. Daddy and I love you so much! We are so so so thankful to have you in our lives!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Family Pictures 2010

We recently had our 2010 family pictures taken, and I am in love!
 Love the facial expression on this one.
 My two love bugs!
 My all time favorite picture!  How do you fit all that cuteness in a photo!?!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Chesney has been busy over the past couple week learning lots of new things. She can sit on her own but is so busy checking things out around her that she usually falls over. I'm thinking she's going to be too much of a busy bee to perfect that sitting. Besides, standing is way more fun.

And she just loves to tell us all about her day. If we ask what she did today she will babble on and on like she is having a conversation with us. This week she has started to make a yelling sound when we talk to her. It's the cutest thing!
She also loves to get up on her knees a rock back and forth. I'm afraid we may have a very mobile little lady in no time. The gates are on stand-by!

Otherwise we are just enjoying our time in the semi-cold weather before the cold weather hits. Chesney loves to go for walks so we get those in when we can. She needs lots of bundling to stay warm.

I'm looking forward to some extended time off next week and especially having Chuck home with us. Chesney has to get her last flu shot on Wednesday, and then we are officially set for the winter!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Life’s not the breaths you take
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain’t what it’s all about

You just might miss the point
Try’n to win the race

Life’s not the breaths you take

But the moments that take your breath away

Just like it took my breath when she was born

Life’s not the breaths you take
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain’t what it’s all about

You just might miss the point
If ya don’t slow down the pace

Life’s not the breaths you take

But the moments that take your breath away

Chesney, you are such an amazing gift. Thank you for all the moments that take our breath away! We love you so much!!!