Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mackston {8 Months Old}

8 months old and I now officially have to say that you were born last year.  Double boo to you getting older.

Here is what you have been up to for the past month:
Celebrated Christmas with the Schneider side of the family.
Celebrated Brecken's 3rd birthday.
Cheering on the Packers.
Getting messy with meals.
Attending kindergarten weddings.
Cruising in the walker.

Your 8 month stats:

  • Weight:  17.5 pounds
  • Length: 28 in
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month clothes and 9 and 12 month pjs.
  • Shoes: You don't wear shoes, just the occasional slippers.
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night. 
  • Food: Mommy milk and lots of food options. You are not very picky and love to try everything we put in front of you.  You seem to like meats and love sweet potatoes, carrots and applesauce.
  • Development: You can sit up on your own and love to play on the floor. You also love to play in the jump-a-roo and walker. You love to give high-fives.
  • Words: None
  • Teeth: Mackston has 2 teeth. 
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7:30 or 8 pm and sleep until I wake you up to take Chesney to school or sometimes get up at 6:30ish.  You usually take one 2 hour nap daily and then a cat nap.
  • What I love about you: You are almost always smiling and giggling. You love your mommy and whimper until I pick you when I get you at Grandma and Grandpa's house after work.

Happy 8 months sweetie!  We love you!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Mackston {35 Weeks Old}

Our little man has found a new favorite toy.  He loves cruising around in the walker.
 And when you can cruise around, you find fun stuff to play with.  Jackpot!
Happy 35 weeks sweet boy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Weekly Blogdate

We had such a fun week. Brecken's birthday fun carried over to Saturday when he wore his birthday crown for breakfast.
 And he got a birthday gift in the mail from Grammy and Grampy.  Clearly he loved it.
 Mackston is an eating machine these days.  We had fish this week and he loved it!
 It was a slightly messy meal which required a full bath afterwards.
 Brecken and I worked on a book about colors which happens to require candy.
 Do you think he ate any of the candy?
 And Grandma and Grandpa have a little saw for Brecken which he brought home one night.  He loved sawing the wood but was equally impressed with the dust he was making.
 And Chesney is doing so well in gymnastics.  We love watching her grow every week.
 Thursday was a special day at Chesney's school as there was a wedding (see the separate post).  So we had wedding pancakes for breakfast and let the kids decorate their own.
 Chesney did a bride with a veil.
 And Brecken went with all chocolate chips (shocking).

Monday, January 25, 2016

Chesney's Wedding

Chesney's kindergarten class had a wedding last Thursday and our very own Chesney was chosen to be the bride.  She was beyond excited since the wedding was one of the highlights of going into kindergarten.  And after attending the wedding, I'm not sure kindergarten would be nearly as fun without this special event. We are so lucky that Chesney has such an amazing school. So the wedding was actually a celebration of the letters Q and U (more on that later).
 There were lots of special wedding guests.
 Of course there were wedding attendants.  A groom (Brody)...
and a priest (Devon)...
 Best man (Owen) and maid of honor (Joselyn)...
 Bridesmaids (Megan and Hannah) and a groomsman (Landon)...
 A flower girl (Kendall) and ring bear (Caleb)...
And then there was a bride...
 And she was the most beautiful and special bride there ever was. And that special bride wore the tiara that I wore for my wedding.
 And so the wedding began, the marriage of the letter Q (the groom) and U (the bride).
 And the priest started the wedding by saying how q and u are always today as in quick, quiet and queen.
 And q and u exchanged vows and rings, promising to always be together.
 And they sealed the fate of q and u with a...hand shake.
 And there they are, Q and U happily married and always together as Qu.
The lovely wedding party.
The reception followed the wedding and included a dance.
 And no wedding is complete without cake.  Chesney has the best teacher and some wonderful classroom helpers who made sure every detail of the wedding was perfect.
 As the parent's of a kindergarten bride, I can say that it was much cheaper than a real wedding but still emotional. I did shed a couple tears. Luckily we still get to take her home with us because I'm nowhere near ready to let her go just yet.
 And I guarantee these pictures will come out on her wedding day.