Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Part 2: Water Park Fun

The other great part about spending Easter weekend at the Kalahari was the great water park!  Chesney just loved splashing in the water. (The life jacket was required, and for some reason she didn't mind wearing it.)

And the littlest slide in the park was a HUGE hit!

 Chesney loved floating around on the lazy river.  I thought she would get antsy and want out but she just watched all the people and checked out the waterfalls.  At some points I think it could have put her to sleep.  Floating around with her was probably the most relaxing part of the trip.

We didn't get any pictures with daddy because he was the photographer, but I promise he was there playing with use too.  In fact, he pulled us around the lazy river a lot.  He was afraid someone would bump into us (mainly Chesney).  The nice part was I didn't have to go under the waterfalls to get wet and never had to jump out of the tube to move around people.  Thanks Daddy for capturing all these moments!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

 We spent the Easter weekend with my family in Wisconsin Dells at the Kalahari Resort.  I will post some water pictures later but this is the Easter fun.  Chesney was awake before everyone else, so she played on the couch and happened to find an egg in the process.
 Her first Easter egg!
 When all the kids were awake, they hunted for eggs in the hotel suite we stayed in.
 After all the eggs were found, the kids got to see what was in their Easter baskets from Grammy and Grampy.
Chesney got a Easter book with a soft bunny cover.  I think she liked it!

  Then we went to the Arcade for the Kalahari Easter Egg Hunt.

  Meeting the Easter bunny was only fun for a couple seconds...
 Because then she looked at him and this happened (so I had to rescue her!)
 But I guess she must have had a good time because she was pretty tired and slept the entire way home.  By the way is this not the sweetest thing ever!

 She got her Easter basket when we got home.  She got some summer stuff (hats, sunglasses), bubbles, and a new snuggly.

It's hard to believe this was her one year ago.
 Here's to hoping your Easter was just as special as ours!  Happy Easter!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

13 Months Old

Some how I think Chesney is classified as a toddler now that she is over one.  She does seem like such a big girl now too!  I still think she is my baby though (I will probably have to stop calling her that before she goes to middle school though).

Here is what you are up to at 13 months:
  • Weight: 22 lbs
  • Length: 30 3/4 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 months clothes (a few 6-12 months)
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 shoe. 
  • Diapers: Size 4 Pampers or Huggies We are back to using cloth diapers when we are at home.  
  • Food: You still eat raspberries and blueberries like no one I have ever seen.  You have also started eating pears the same way!  You like to eat noodles, quesadillas, and chicken noodle soup.  You drink whole milk and drink out of your cup like a champ.
  • Development: You have really started to stand for long periods of time and can take a step or two but you usually realize no one is hanging on to you and then fall down and crawl.  We got you some outdoor toys this month and you would love nothing more than to be outside from sun up until sun down pushing your shopping cart, riding your bike, and blowing bubbles.   You know where you nose, ears and tongue are.  You love to watch the school bus on weekday mornings.  Brushing your teeth has now become a twice daily routine.
  • Words: You learned a few new words this month including mamma, ball, and Milo.  You say baa when we ask what the sheep says and beep when we ask what a car says.  You also say vroom as you drive cars or buses around (thanks to grandpa). 
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night but you have been waking up around 7:00 am. I think you are getting more tired out from all the energy you burn outside.  You take a 1 to 2 hour nap in the morning and a 45 minute to one hour nap in the afternoon.  
  • Teeth: No new teeth this month. Still only four.
  • What I love about you: You have become more independent now that you can move around so well but you still love to give use hugs and be held too. Nothing is better than seeing your smiling face or when we come in your room every night after you fall asleep to cover you back up and give you one more kiss.

 Life has never been sweeter than with the love of you every day!  We love you to pieces Chesney!

    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    Rainy day fun

     Tuesday was a rainy day so we spent all day inside playing.  I had to get creative to keep busy because Chesney would rather be outside.

    We built a fort in the living room which was tons fun! 

     And Chesney was such a hoot playing in this toy basket.  She would squat down and then pop up and say hiIt turned out to be lots of fun just playing in our PJs all day.

    Tuesday, April 19, 2011


     The weather has been so blah lately!  Where in the world did spring go?!?  Chesney was so loving being outside, and now we have to be inside most of the day.  We try to get out for a walk every night (back in the winter coat and

     We are finding fun activities to do inside to keep Chesney busy (otherwise she goes to the patio door and points outside).
     She is loving playing in the two back bedrooms where she can crawl and run back and forth with her toys.  And we painted her toenails. Attempted the fingernails but she didn't love it!

    The weekend ahead is going to be so much fun!  We are heading to the Kalahari in the Dells with my entire side of the family!  It is sure to be a good time.  The best part is that the Easter Bunny will be there.  I'm thinking Chesney will be excited to see him, but she may be in tears if we get to close.  We shall see!
    I really don't know how all this sweetness fits in this little package!

    Saturday, April 9, 2011


    Saturdays are grocery shopping day.  We try to go in the morning so it isn't too crazy.  We have to stock up on the essentials.

    We got 3 containers of raspberries and 2 blueberries...This should last Chesney approximately 3 days.
    Since it has been nice outside, we have been taking Chesney for a walk almost every day.  Chuck and I used to go for bike rides but the past year we haven't been able to.  That all changed today.  The local bike store was having a sale, so we swung by to check out a bike for Chuck.  He tried out a few bikes before settling on this one.  (This bike also comes in orange which was super cute, but apparently Chuck wasn't looking for super cute.).

    And while we were there, they just happened to have a good sale on this sweet ride...
    A bike trailer to pull Chesney around.  This is a very nice bike trailer and can be used as a stroller as well.  We already love it.  And Chesney did too after her first and second bike rides today.

    We are so excited to be able to get out an enjoy the weather.  And it is nice to be able to take Chesney on a bike ride because we can go to the parks that are a little ways from our house.  We may be out and about all the time now!

    Thursday, April 7, 2011


    This is what I woke up to this morning and get to wake up to every morning. 

     It really doesn't get any better than this!

     Spring is finally arriving, and we have been out for lots of walks.  Chesney loves to get out for walks to see the birds and puppies.  Today we walked down a new part of the city bike trail to a little shopping mall.  Actually we didn't stop at the shopping mall (shocking I know), but we went to the bank near there, and then walked about another mile down to the trail to Sam's Club.  The entire walk took about 90 minutes, and Chesney loved every minute of it.

     Since I haven't blogged in so long, I have to do a little catch-up.  Tuesday, Daddy had a meeting in Madison, so he was home until early afternoon.  So we went early to cast our votes.
    Chesney has been doing a lot of new things lately.  She brushes her teeth every night before bed and every morning after breakfast.  We always sing the ABCs while she brushes, and she bounces up and down.  She had her first dentist appointment on March 29.  Basically the dentist just took a quite peak at her 4 teeth (he had a good view because she started to scream the second he brought his hands near her mouth).  She will go back in a year as long as she has no tooth accidents before then (god willing).

     She also has a few new words.  She says momma and ball.  And the cutest thing, when you ask her what a sheep says she will say baa.  And she loves to give hugs now.  When I ask for a hug, she will lay her head on my shoulder. 

    I'm amazed at how much one little person can melt my heart.  She is just changing and growing so fast.  I'm stealing all the hugs and kisses I can because some day she will be too busy to stop for a hug.