Monday, June 30, 2014

A Carnival and Pool Party

Last week was a busy week, just busy.  I've been picking up some extra days at work as two of the physicians are out of work. Working these extra days makes me realize even more how special my days off are with the kiddos.  I remember asking my friend and colleague about cutting back on hours after Chesney was born.  She told me to cut back to 3 days and never look back.  I was honestly worried to due it at the time because I had invested so much time in school.  But I can honestly say that I have never regretted that decision. I was spoiled with peanut butter cup ice cream treats at work last week (a treat for helping out) which was amazing. But no amount of ice cream or money could bring me back to working 5 days.  I feel like I have missed out on so much with the kids since I have worked these extra days.  They are only little for so long and these moments are fleeting. I am so lucky that I am able to be home with them more days in the week than I'm at work. Two more days and then back to spoiling my babies (but who's counting).

So the weekend involved lots of fun.  There was a carnival at a church just down the road from our house.  So I took Chesney on Saturday morning while Brecken napped at home with Daddy.
 We went on the Tilt a Whirl first which spins much faster than I remember.  But she had a blast.
 She went on a climber and slide.
 And last we hit the spinning strawberries before grabbing a snow cone and cotton candy before heading home.  A short time later, Allie, Ryan, Jeremy and Jessie came over to go back to the carnival.
 The kids rode the carousel, ran through a bouncy obstacle course and went down a giant slide.
 We got back to the house to go swimming and then had a cook out with Grandma and Grandpa.
 Brecken was loving the cheesy Chex but did share a few with Great Grandpa.
 Fun in the pool.
 Grandpa decided to show Uncle Jeremy how he would save him if he was ever drowning.
 Pool water and cheesy facial, such a great combo.
 Ryan swam a beverage to Grandpa.
 We ended the night watching fireworks.  The neighbors came over the watch with us. It was a great way to spend our Saturday.
 Sunday we had to grocery shop but spent the afternoon relaxing by the pool and having a pool-side pizza party.
 Make that pizza and pretzel party.
The kids must have had fun because they were tired at the end of the night.  I call that a successful weekend.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Week of Fun

We have been so busy around here that I barely have time to post on the blog anymore.  So here is a rundown of what we did last week.
 We made a Play-Doh beach and Play-Doh swimsuits for the Barbies.
 Crazy hair after nap.
Thursday we went to a children's show near the park.  This week featured Bucky the Clown.  The kids were loving the show.
And Chesney was chosen to help with a magic trick.
Brecken let Grandpa have some of his puffs.
 The clown made balloons for each of the kids afterwards.  Chesney wanted a flower.
 Saturday when Brecken was done with dinner, he took off to play while we finished eating.  He was awfully quiet, and this is what I found when I went to check on him.
 And he was pretty proud of it!
 Sunday morning cereal snack while mom and dad got breakfast ready.
 We got out the GoGo Smart City play set on Sunday afternoon, but Brecken found it easier to climb in with the toys.

This weekend we planted a couple trees in the backyard.  This was the remaining dirt.  The kids wanted to help with clean up (which meant they needed clean up in the bath afterwards).
 And for a little relaxation, we hit the pool for the first time this year.  Chesney even got to go in (with a spare wrist brace).  She was loving it!
So, that was our last week in a nutshell.  Busy summers equal lots of fun!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Brecken {17 Months Old}

Brecken is nearly a year and a half old.  He is such a busy boy, so much crazier than his sister was at this age (but we wouldn't have it any other way).
Here is what you have been up to the past month:
Playing some golf.
 Helping Daddy mow the lawn.
Loving your sister.
 Eating sweet corn.
 Playing in the water table.
 Helping with chores.
Celebrating the best Daddy in the world!

Brecken's 17 month stats:
  • Weight: 18 pounds
  • Length:  31 inches 
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month clothes . You are wearing 12 month sleepers. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 shoe.
  • Diapers: Mostly cloth diapers with Pampers (size 3) at night
  • Food: Your favorite meal is breakfast and you eat a ton usually.  Then you barely eat anything for lunch or dinner.  You like waffles, pancakes, french toast, eggs, strawberries, grilled cheese, pizza, chicken, watermelon. In the past week we have switched you over to whole milk in an effort to fatten you up.  You dropped down to 17 pounds in the past couple of weeks while you were sick but are now back up to 18 pounds. 
  • Development: You understand so much but have a hard time putting that into words.  Your balance is amazing and you run like crazy. You stand on top of everything (bikes, stools, etc).  We you stand up, you put your arms straight up like you are so proud.  You have started to use the potty.
  • Words: You woof when you see a doggie. You say "I did it" after you use the potty. You now say hot, uh-oh, Dada, hi, hello, bye bye, thank you and Chesney.
  • Teeth: No new teeth this month.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7 pm and wake up at 7-8 am.  You take a 1.5 hour morning and afternoon nap.  Your morning nap is around 9 and afternoon around 1.
  • What I love about you: You are a happy boy.  You love being outside whether you are pushing a lawn mower, running, swinging or playing in the water.   Your new love is the lawn mower. You get mad if we bring you inside but the second you hit your crib, you are ready to go to sleep.  You give the best kisses (open mouth and all).

Happy 17 months Brecken!  We love you so very much!