Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had so much fun this past weekend. We visited the pumpkin patch on Saturday, mainly for pictures because Chesney is too little to do any of the activities.
And today we celebrated Chesney's 1st Halloween. She kept peeking at the door, probably wondering why people were knocking and yelling. Thank goodness she is too little for that sugar rush! She ate some sweet potatoes before the trick-or-treaters came knocking so she was sweet enough.
The cutest cow I've ever seen; no, I'm not biased!

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Date

Do you know why Chesney is so excited???

Because Cooper is coming to visit!

Our friends Andy and Erika came to town last weekend and stopped by with their sweet little boy, Cooper. He is so precious! He is so much smaller than Chesney. He has the cutest eyes and just loves to suck his thumb. Chesney doesn't quite have the manors for dating yet because she tried grabbing his head. Clearly this date required some heavy parental supervision.

It was so nice to see the entire Gould family and finally meet sweet Cooper. We can't wait for the next visit.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

7 Months Old

This has been the fastest 7 months of my life. Chesney, I want to keep you this small forever but you just are more fun everyday. And you are the best excuse for shopping.

You are such a happy little girl! There is no better way to wake up than to your smile every morning.
Here is what you are up to at 7 months:
  • Weight: 18 pounds
  • Length: 27 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing a few 3-6 months clothes, mostly shirts and some 6-9 month clothes and pajamas.
  • Shoes: Shoes are not your best friend. You kick them off all the time.
  • Diapers: Size 3 Pampers. You have had a few bouts with diaper rash in the past month but we can't not seem to pinpoint a reason. So, we are now blaming it on teething.
  • Food: You started solids this past month and love, love, love to eat. You have tried carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, mashed potatoes, pears, applesauce, prunes, banana, cereal, and avocado. You by far love the orange stuff the most, especially sweet potatoes (but you haven't turned orange just yet). I make all of your food (except cereal), and you eat two cubes for lunch and dinner. and a bowel of cereal for breakfast. You are eating both breast milk and formula but not nearly as much as you used to. And yes you are getting some stains on your clothes but I haven't died yet.
  • Development: You are starting to sit for small periods of time but by no means are a sitter. We are working at that though. You can roll all over both ways without a problem and squirm on your tummy to get toys. You are talking all the time. And now you talk in a high pitched voice when you see the daddy or the kitty. You love to stick your hand out when you see Milo and to pet him.
  • Words: None 
  • Sleep: You are still a great sleeper. You go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 am. You take a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the morning and a couple 30 minute naps in the afternoon. You sleep in your sleepsack at night now and have no problems with it.
  • Teeth: None yet
  • What I love about you: You recently learned how to give high fives, and it is the cutest thing ever. You also like to peek around my shoulder to see what else is going on. You have such a great personality, and your eyes light up when you smile. I'm so looking forward to watching you grow and loving every step along the way.
Little peanut, you are absolutely amazing. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grammy & Grampy

Two weekends ago we went to visit Grammy and Grampy. Chesney was a little shy but had a great time. We did a little shopping with Grammy on Saturday. She had surgery on her arm recently so she is only able to use her left arm. Kate and I "forced" her to go shopping with us. And I use that term loosely. It was so much fun to have a ladies day out with our newest little shopper, Chesney. And she was very well behaved. If she was getting fussy, Kate took her to a mirror and poof instant happiness!
Last week Grammy came down to visit and stay for a few days. It was so nice to have her here and Chesney loved it! Everytime Grammy looked at Chesney she would squeal and giggle. We were sad to have Grammy leave, and by the tears in Grammy's eyes we could tell she didn't want to go either. Thanks so much for the wonderful time and for not talking me out of another tutu for Chesney. : ) We had so much fun and I know Chesney loved having you here!

As a side note, our thoughts and prayers are with my best friend Sarah and her family as her grandpa recently passed away. Sarah we love you and are praying for you and your family.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yum Yums

Chesney started eating solid foods about 10 days ago (at 6 months 3 days old). She has gotten the hang of it now and can polish off a meal in no time. So far she has tried sweet potatoes, avocado, carrots, peas, and pears (in that order). She loved everything (except avocado) but for some reason is obsessed with peas. She now opens her mouth like a birdie when she spots food. She even tried sucking on a couple slices of apple but sort of acted possessed. She made crazy noises and kept grabbing for the apple.

First bite of sweet potatoes.

We have also started to give her a cup with water or milk in it, and she is catching on pretty quickly on how to drink out of a cup. Now keep in mind that we haven't let her run the spoon or meals have been fairly clean.

We are having so much fun watching her face as she tries new foods and watching her enjoy pure mush! Squash, green beans, banana, and applesauce are next on the list of foods to try.