Saturday, April 28, 2012

Grandma's 60th Birthday Party

Today we had a surprise party for Grandma who will be 60 in a few weeks!  It was tricky keeping it a surprise, especially with a 2 year old who loves to tell stories.  We ended up telling Chesney about the party the night before.  And she woke up pretty excited!
 The food and decor.
 There were lots of wonderful guests!
 The guest of honor arrived and was quite surprised!
 Grandma enjoyed talking with everyone and everyone had fun celebrating with her.
And she got lots of nice gifts (and had lots of help).

Chesney and the birthday girl.
Happy 60th Birthday Grandma!  We love you!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunny Days

We have had a lot of sunny days this spring which makes for a lot of bike riding and outdoor play.
 This little girl was meant to be an outdoor girl. 
 Oh how I love this sweet little face...
 ..and all this spunk too!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Library Day and Painting Away

We had a busy but very fun morning!  We went to Story Time at the library this morning.  Chesney just loves the 25 minutes of singing and stories.  She played with the toys and puzzles for an hour, and then we picked out some books and headed out.  
  Thanks to Grandma for the library bag.
 We had to make a quick stop at the grocery store on the way home.  Chesney was pretty tired and hungry so we had a little lunch which gave someone a little energy burst.

Chesney wanted to paint, so we got out all our paint supplies and went to work.
 This girl loves to paint, and it is such a great way for her to practice her colors.
  She got a little messy along the way, but after a quick clean-up, she went right back to painting.
So proud of her art!
 This one is for you Grammy.  When I asked her what she was painting she said "Grammy".
 Three finished works of art!
She was ready for a nap after painting, so we read a couple of the library books we got and it was off to sleep for my little sweetie.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Goose Ride

Chesney loves to ride the goose at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Pretty much every time we go there, she hopes on for a goose ride.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sweet Little Moments

Chesney is at such a fun age.  The age where kids come up with crazy stuff that just makes you laugh.  I have to write down the cute little things Chesney does because I never want to forget these sweet moments.

1.  A couple weeks ago, she came running into our bedroom after finding a toy that she hadn't seen in a while.  "Look who I found" she yelled.  "It's Ellie the Phant" she told us.  She still calls her that but will call other elephants by their proper name.  The picture below is her and Ellie the Phant.
2.  She was playing with a Jack-in-the-box recently.  We would sing Pop Goes the Weasel" as she turned the crank.  When we were eating dinner one night, she said "Let's go play with the weasel box."

3.  Grandma and Grandpa have a goose outside their front door.  Chesney has taken a liking to this poor goose and insists on riding him nearly every times she is there. 
4. One of Chesney's favorite things to do at the moment is dress up in my underwear. (There will be no picture as evidence!)  She calls it dressing up for Christmas or dressing up for Halloween for some weird reason.  She takes my underwear out of the drawer and puts both feet in one leg hole and then wears them around her waist.  She usually wears 2-3 pairs at a time and has been known to dress Mickey Mouse in them as well.  We do have lots of real toys at our house, I promise.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

We had a whole weekend of Easter fun.  We started Saturday morning with a trip to a local garden shop.  They hosted a mini petting zoo with tons of other activities.
 And of course the Easter bunny was there.
 Before we left, she planted a flower to take home.
 Then we went to another part of town for an Easter egg hunt.  Chesney had a lot of fun getting eggs.
 Easter bunny #2 for the day.
 After nap, Chesney decorated eggs.  She really just wanted to eat the colored eggs.
 This Easter was the first time we hid eggs for Chesney, and it was so much fun to watch her get excited and find eggs.  She woke up pretty excited to see that the Easter bunny left eggs in her room.

And then she found her Easter basket.
 After the eggs were found, we made waffles with Easter sprinkles of course.
 Chesney thought the sprinkles were pretty special.
After we got ready, we went to Uncle Bob and Aunt Lynda's house for lunch and an egg hunt.
We finished the day at Grandma and Grandpa's for a third egg hunt for the day and a delicious dinner.
Thanks to all the grandparents and egg hunts, we have way too much candy in this house.  Happy Easter.