Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011 - Day 2

We arrived at Grammy and Grampy's house on Christmas night and opened gifts the following day (because someone was a little to tired to open gifts that night).
 A simple broom which is one of her favorite things to drag around the house now.
Chesney must have been a good girl over the past year because she got some many wonderful gifts this holiday season.

Christmas 2011

This was our first year to have Christmas at home, and it was AMAZING.  We had such a great time watching Chesney get excited about her toys.  Her big gifts this year were a kitchen and giant teddy bear.

 When she came out of her room, she started yelling the name of everything as she touched it.

 She LOVED her teddy bear (who she calls Tebby).
 After checking everything out, she played for a while.
 We had to take a break for a snack.  Who doesn't eat a snack on a bouncy cow!?!
 Then, back to playing.  Chuck and I opened presents between playing with Chesney.
 We had a nice chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli dinner before heading to Grammy and Grampy's house on Christmas night.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

 We spent Christmas Eve with Chuck's family.  We started the day at Great Grandpa house where we had a yummy ham meal followed by gifts. 

After a quick nap, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house for gifts and more food.
Three hungry little ones after opening gifts followed by lots of playing.
 And of course we got Chesney into her Christmas pajamas before bed.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Chesney's 13th Tooth

Chesney's right upper canine is coming in.  Her right upper lateral incisor is no where to be seen...yet.  I know children get their teeth in different orders and at different times, but honestly, this tooth has had me a little worried.  This tooth comes in before 13 months on average.  Chesney is a late teether, but 21 months is a long time to wait for that silly tooth.  I guess we will continue to wait for that incisor and some more canines to finish that sweet smile.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Chesney - 21 Months Old

We are approaching 2 way too quickly with our happy little girl.  I'm so not ready for that though, so I'm lovin loving on my sweet little one year old.

 Here is what you are up to at 21 Months:
  • Weight: 27.5 lbs
  • Length: 33.5 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 18-24 month clothes
  • Shoes: You wear a size 6 or 7 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear training underwear during the day and a size 4 diaper at night.  You wear a cloth diaper at nap time and it is usually dry.  This month you have decided you would much rather go potty on the big potty than on your potty chair.  (Saves us the step of dumping the potty, so it's a win-win.)
  • Food: You are starting to eat a better variety of foods including more meats.  You love your milk and cheese (definitely a Wisconsin girl)
  • Development: You are growing to be so independent.  You love to play with your dollhouse.  You have learned how to play pretend, especially with your dollhouse and Little People.
  • Words: You talk non-stop.  You love to sing and can ask for anything you want.  Your manners are getting better (sometimes you say thank you without us asking you).  You have started to tell us "I love you" each night.
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 6:30-7:00 am.  We read a few books before bed and then you fall asleep pretty quickly.  You take one 1.5 hour nap every day.
  • Teeth: Your 12th tooth, bottom right canine came in this month.
  • What I love about you: You are such a snuggle bunny!  You are so happy and love to jump and dance and say "I'm hungry" or "I'm cited (excited)".

Love you to pieces, sweet princess!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Chesney loves to paint.  Sometimes she gets so excited she jumps right in with two brushes.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Today was a day full of Christmas cookie making fun!  I can't explain how amazing it is to watch my little girl yell "I havin fun" while bouncing up and down and cutting out cookies.
 We started by cutting out cookies and baking them this morning (I mixed up the dough last evening).
 I definitely need to bake with this little lady more often!
After Daddy got home tonight, we made frosting and decorated cookies.  We had to have the official taste tester sample the frosting.
 I think she liked it!
 Then it was decorating time!
 She was a little afraid to get messy at first, but she warmed up fast!
 I feel like our sprinkles last forever (which means I never get to buy new ones).  Clearly, Chesney will help me with this issue.
A nice, sugary treat to end the cookie decorating.
This was such a fun day of baking with our little princess!  I'm so looking forward to more Christmas fun this week and lots of surprises!