Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2 Month Check-up

Chesney went for her 2 month check-up on Monday. I was not looking forward to this one because I knew she was getting shots. I thought I would have no problem watching Chesney get her shots because I order them for kids all the time. But...I fell apart when they stuck her with the first two. That poor little face looked up at me while she screamed. It looked like she was saying "Mommy, please help me!" I, of course, started crying too and just wished they would hurry with the last one so I could snuggle her and make things better. The crying stopped shortly after I picked her up.

Later that night however, she developed a swollen, red, and warm right thigh. She had received one injection in that leg which was a combination injection of DTaP, Polio, and Hib. Dr. Van Beek thinks she reacted to the pertussis in the DTaP portion. Luckily the swelling, redness, and warmth improved with cool compresses and Tylenol.

I'm so happy that appointment is over with! I'm not looking forward to her next shots at all!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2 Months Old

Chesney you are two months old already! Where did the time go!?! In the last month you have grown and changed so much.

Here is what you are up to at 2 months:
  • Weight: 8 lbs 11 oz (6.39th percentile)
  • Length: 23 inches (74.73th percentile)
  • Clothes: You are still wearing newborn clothes but you are getting so long that you are almost ready to move into the 0-3 month size. You wear a lot of dresses and bows in your hair.
  • Shoes: Your newborn shoes are still a little big but we have you wear them once in a while. You usually kick them off within a few minutes but we just keep putting them back on.
  • Diapers: Newborn size
  • Food: Still just milk. This month you drank from a bottle for the first time when daddy watched you one night while I went out with some friends. We now take a bottle with us whenever we need to go somewhere. It especially works well in church.
  • Development: You cracked your first smile on April 30 and since have been smiling more and more. You now smile back at us when we smile at you. And you usually give daddy a few big smiles when he comes home at night. You are also cooing a lot. You love to have little conversations with us and sometimes even a little squeal will slip out. Lastly, you are now moving your arms and legs so much that you hit the toys in your gym. You love to play under your gym!
  • Words: None 
  • Sleep: You usually sleep for 4.5 to 8 hour stretches. We are getting longer stretches in the last week. You're not a big fan of napping during the day but once in a while we get a 1-2 hour nap from you. Otherwise you just catch a few minutes of shut-eye every now and then.
  • Teeth: None yet
  • What I love about you: I love your smile, especially when we get the open mouth smile...your entire face lights up. I love it when you lay your head on my shoulder. I love how you stop crying when you see me or when I pick you up out of your carseat or after a nap. And I love talking to you.
5 weeks
2 months

Chesney you are an amazing gift, and you are doing something amazing everyday. We just love loving you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All Smiles

After Chesney cracked her first smile on April 30th, we had a hard time getting repeat smiles. She would usually only smile first thing in the morning and after a long nap if we were lucky.
Well this little girl is now smiling all the time! She will even smile back when you smile at her. And she now smiles with her entire face..which is so stinkin' cute!
Isn't that just the cutest!?!
I love, love, love how amazing this little girl is!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a busy but very fun weekend! This was our first weekend since Chesney was born that we had no plans...just family time, and it was so much fun!
We started our weekend by going to a local furniture store. In our town, we have city wide rummage sales once a month. One of the furniture stores in town has a big sale during a few of those weekends where they sell overstock and scratch and dent stuff. We were so excited to go because we have so many empty rooms in the house that need furniture.

We ended up finding this nice TV stand for our upstairs living room. That big TV used to sit on a small end table (and looked ridiculous I might add!)
Then we came home and Chesney took a nap while we planted a couple bushes.
And to top the night off, we went to Olive Garden for supper. It was the first time we went out to eat since Chesney was born, and we were pretty nervous. She ended up falling asleep in the car on the way to the restaurant but woke up when we were seated. We took a bottle along (just to be safe). So I fed her, and she fell asleep before the soup and salad came, and ended up sleeping through the entire meal in my arms! So, I guess we can go out again sometime (as long as the bottle comes too!)

Sunday morning we woke up early and went to church. She slept through the entire service after downing a bottle. We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and enjoying a birthday lunch with Grandma and of course doing a little housework.

Our weekend was definitely fun! And this little girl makes it all the more fun!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ladies Night Out

Well last night I went out with 3 ladies from work. I have never been away from Chesney for more than about 2 hours at a time. But I had a bottle of milk in the fridge just in case she got hungry while I was gone. The kicker is that we had never tried to feed her with a bottle before. But I guess you have to start sometime, right?

It was a good thing the bottle was ready because I ended up staying out for almost 2.5 hours. And I had so much fun! I must have checked the clock a million times while I was out though, and when I left I was so nervous that she was probably at home screaming. I called the house on the way there but no one answered...which made me more nervous.

However, when I walked in the door there was total silence. In the living room baby Chesney was asleep in her daddy's arms with a nearly empty bottle on the coffee table. It was the first time since she was born that I felt like someone other than myself could take care of her. I was also so proud that Chuck did such a good job of taking care of her. And I think it made him feel good too because he was able to calm her and get her to sleep. It is so much easier for me to bond with her because I feed her all the time. He doesn't get the chance to do that, so he really enjoyed feeding her.

I guess my next task is to take longer and longer times away from Chesney. But I think I will wait for a little while. I think this transition is harder on me than her.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day and Baptism

Yesterday was a very special day for two reasons: it was my first Mother's Day and Chesney was baptized.

Chesney was baptized today during the 9:45 am mass. I was so nervous that she would cry through the entire service, but she slept the entire time, even through the baptism. And she looked so beautiful in her baptismal gown, which was made by her Grandma.

We were so happy that both my family and Chuck's family could be there to celebrate such an amazing day with us. Jon and Tanya and Kate, thank you so much for being Chesney's godparents! We know that you will always love her and look over her.

Getting ready! Grandma made her gown.

 Chesney's Godparents, Kate, Jon and Tanya.
Since today was also, Mother's Day, it was an extra special day. We prayed to be parents and be blessed with a baby, and it is so amazing that we now have the baby we prayed for. Happy Mother's Day to my mom and Chuck's mom as well! And to all you mommy's with a baby in heaven or those of you who are waiting to be a mommy, I pray for your comfort and God's blessing.

Chesney Sue, I am so proud to be your mommy. Since you were born, I knew that God put me on this earth to be a mother. I still get tears in my eyes at least once a day when I look at you because you are such an amazing gift! Thank you for melting my heart everyday! And thank God for choosing me to be your mommy! From your first morning smile to your last good-night kiss, I love every minute I get to spend with you.

I'm so excited to watch you grow and learn. I will protect you and love you forever! Chesney, I am the luckiest woman in the world because I get to be your mommy! I love you more than anything!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

6 Weeks Old

I can not believe my little girl is already 6 weeks old. She is growing so fast!

She did hit a new milestone recently though. On April 30th (at 5 1/2) weeks she smiled. It is very tough to pull a smile out of her, but when it happens, it just melts my heart.

She is now sleeping between 5 1/2 to 6 hours at night. One night even slept 8 hours straight...I woke up before she did at 5:15am thinking "I'm completely rested and Chesney is still sleeping!?!"