Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rock Steady

We had a rocky start to this week to say the least.  I had what I thought was a urinary tract infection on Monday night with mild bladder type pain.  The next day at work, I ran a urine sample and it did in fact look like I had a UTI.  So I called my OB who called in some antibiotics for me.  Tuesday night however, things took a turn for the worse.  My pain got much worse and wouldn't stop.  Then it started to go into my back. I couldn't lay down or sit because the pain was so severe. By just before midnight, my pain was so severe that I was vomiting.  So, I woke Chuck up to take me to the emergency department. I was honestly worried that the infection had spread to my kidneys and that I would go into early labor.  Grandpa came over to stay with Chesney, and we were on our way.

Shortly after we got to the emergency department, my pain improved.  The doctor ordered an ultrasound of my kidneys and of the baby.  The baby is growing right on track and looked fine.  Little love bug's feet are right on top of my bladder though, so I could feel every kick along with a sharp pain.  My kidney was a different story.  The pain was in my right side, and my right kidney had enlarge due to backed up fluid (hydronephrosis), and I had kidney stones.  My earlier pain had been a passing stone!  The emergency department doctor came to give me the results and said the bad news was that kidney stones can be worse than labor, and there is no door prize at the end.  (I loved his humor!)  I have been through both now and can say that kidney stones definitely hurt.  And unlike contractions, the pain is constant.  I would prefer if my next pains were labor pains and not one of the remaining stones passing!

I saw my OB on Thursday who suggested I see urology in case the pain gets worse again.  They urologist will also checked my kidney since it is enlarged due to the current stones blocking flow from the kidney.  My OB also suggested I discuss surgery to have the stones broken up after delivery if they stay put until that time.  Although I love surprises, a kidney stone passing at any time is a surprise I would rather not get.  Here's to limited pain and stones staying put until this little guy arrives.

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