Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Day in the Life

I like to do these "day in the life" posts once in a while to document what our life is like at this very time.  And it is different than the last time I did one because we have two kids.  This is how our day went yesterday.

Our day started at 6am when Brecken woke up.  After I changed him and fed him, he fell back to sleep.  Chesney woke up (6:30am) as I was putting Brecken back in his cradle.  Chesney wanted a snack so I cut up apple slices for her which she ate while she watched an Imagination Movers and I pumped. Then Chesney played with her dollhouse while I ran for 20 minutes.  

We were then ready for breakfast (about 7:30), so we headed downstairs where Chesney played while I made her scrambled eggs and did some dishes and folded laundry.  By the time we were done with breakfast it was after 8am.  I cleaned up breakfast dishes and got out the play-dough.
 We played with the play-dough and some of the play-dough toys she got for Christmas for over 30 minutes.
 When we were done playing play-dough, I threw all the play-dough toys in the sink and let Chesney play in the water.
 At 9am, Brecken woke up.  Chesney ran up to see him!
Such a happy boy in the morning.
 I fed Brecken while reading books with Chesney.  Then she played dress up with my jewelry and shoes while Brecken had some tummy time. 
At about 10am, Chesney wanted to take a bubble bath so I got her in the tub and took a quick shower while Brecken relaxed in the bouncer.  After my shower, I grabbed Brecken, and we joined Chesney in the tub.  After a 45 minute bath, we got dressed and had a string cheese snack. (You will notice that Chesney got dressed in a new pair of pajamas.)
 We played with Chesney's dress up dolls and then headed down to make lunch.
Brecken fell asleep in my arms while we were playing with the dress-up dolls, so I put him in his swing while I made lunch and pumped.  Chesney played a game on the Ipad.
 About 11:45am we had yummy pizza pasta with strawberries, mixed veggies and yogurt for lunch.  After lunch, Chesney went down for nap (12:15pm).  I fed Brecken, did laundry, worked on some blog posts and relaxed while Brecken slept in my arms.
Chesney woke up at 2:15pm and played while I did my hair and make-up.  Then I fed Brecken.

 At about 3pm we packed a snack and headed out for a walk since it was a warm winter day.  Chesney decided to push her stroller while I pushed Brecken in the stroller.  At the end of our 30-45 minute walk, we ran into the neighbor kids who were playing in the snow.  They asked Chesney to play, so we ran home to put on snow pants and boots and played with them.

 We got back home around 4pm and made chocolate chip scones for a snack.  When they were done, we had a picnic in the dining room with our scones.  Then I fed Brecken and pumped again.
 Daddy got home around 5:15pm.  We ate stuffed french sandwiches and then played.  Brecken is good at playing hide and seek and found his sister in the coat closet.
 There was a lot of running and snuggling!  At 6:30, I fed Brecken while Daddy played hide and seek and chase with Chesney.


At 7:15pm we made malts and let Chesney watch a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before bed.  After a story, Chesney was in bed by 8pm.  I hung out with Brecken while Charlie worked in the basement.  Brecken ate at 9:15pm and then went to bed.  I pumped one last time before relaxing before bed.

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