Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summer Vacay Week 11

Summer vacay is coming to an end.  So we decided to go to a park, shocking I know.
 And we tried out overnight oatmeal.  It is a great recipe for quick breakfasts.
Some painting fun.
 We attempted to go to the water ski show again.  Since it is a pirate theme, they had gun shots in part of the skit. Brecken does not like loud noises.  We couldn't get him to calm down so we had to leave.  When we got to the car we asked him what he was scared of.  His answer "the boobms" which sounded more like boobs.
 Daddy had a golf tournament for the weekend so his whole family was in town.  Friday they did some hot tubbin.
 And playing in the sprinkler.
 We went out to lunch and this guy had a major blow out.  It was all over his clothes and car seat.  He got to ride home in just a diaper.  (Disclaimer: He was sitting in the restaurant in the picture.  We buckled him properly before leaving).
 There was a lot of time spent in the pool.

 Pool animal races.
 Allie and Ryan's cousin Hadleigh came to spend the day.  I think she had lots of fun with these crazy kids.
 Sunday we went to a craft fair but spent the majority of the time at the playground near the craft fair.
 Slushies for the kiddies.
 Next week is back to school for Chesney, so we need to fit some fun and school prep into this week.

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