Thursday, July 24, 2014

Brecken {18 Months Old}

I don't know how this past 1.5 years has went by so quickly.  You are such a happy ball of energy. 
 You have been busy enjoying summer over the past month.  Here are a few things you have done:
Went to the park for a clown show.
 Climbed here, there and everywhere.
 Moved some dirt.
 Had a pool and snack party with Great Grandpa Naatz.
Visited the cottage and drove a boat.
 Joined a 4th of July boat parade.
Loved on Daddy.
Visited Great Grandma Dahl.
Went fishing.

Brecken's 18 month stats:
  • Weight: between 18.5-19 pounds
  • Length:  31.5 inches 
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month bottoms and 12-18 month shirts. You are wearing 12 month sleepers. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 shoe.
  • Diapers: Mostly cloth diapers with Pampers (size 3) at night
  • Food: You still eat the majority of your food at breakfast.  You usually pick at lunch and dinner unless you get a wild hair and decide to eat a decent meal.  You like waffles, pancakes, french toast, eggs, strawberries, grilled cheese, pizza, chicken, spaghetti, graham crackers, granola bars, watermelon. Your new love is sweet corn. You are drinking whole milk and love water.
  • Development:  You are a busy guy.  You are steady on your feet and can swing a bat like a champ. You hum along if we sing songs to you. You recognize lots of people by name and will point to them if asked to.
  • Words: You woof when you see a doggie. You now say hot, uh-oh, Dada, hi, hello, bye bye, thank you and Chesney. You started yelling Daaadaaa when you need something. 
  • Teeth: July 2 you got your 13th tooth, your right upper canine.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7:30 pm and wake up at 7-8 am.  You take a 1.5 hour morning and afternoon nap.  Your morning nap is around 9 and afternoon around 1.
  • What I love about you: You don't sit still, like ever.  You have taught us to be more laid back because there is no way we could keep you off of everything or follow you everywhere. I love hearing you yell daaadaaa at the top of your lungs. Love how you have a belly laugh at just the right times. And I still love your open mouth sloppy kisses and bear hugs.

Happy 18 months Brecken!  Love you to pieces.

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