Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Happy Birthday Chesney

6 years ago I became a Mommy and this one special girl changed everything.  This past year has been a lot of fun and lots of transitions (which didn't even faze her).
This year she got a new baby brother.
She graduated pre-K.
 She started kindergarten.
She got a puppy.

So today we celebrated 6 years of the best little girl the world ever knew.
 Our traditional pancakes with candles for breakfast.
 Lots of gifts.
 I took Chesney for some mommy and daughter time in the afternoon for a pedicure.
 This was a complete surprise for her, and she was all smiles.
 And then we had a little snack.
 For dinner we went to Texas Roadhouse.
 She got to ride on the saddle which she loved!!
And then we came home for some cake.
Here is what you are up to at 6 years old:
  • Weight: 54 pounds (87 percentile)
  • Length: 3' 10" (66 percentile)
  • Clothes: You wear size 6X clothes.  You prefer to wear dresses but spend the majority of the time in your school uniform.
  • Shoes: You wear a size 13 shoe.
  • Food: You have become less picky over the past year which I think relates to the variety of food you eat for lunches at school.  You still love noodles though.  And you still love anything sweet.
  • Development:  You can read and you do it very well!  You are a master at sounding out words.  You love to write and draw. You can add and subtract. 
  • Sleep: You go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up somewhere between 6:00-6:30 am.  Sometimes we read you a book at bedtime and other times you read us the books at bedtime and then we say our prayers.  You don't nap.
  • Teeth: You have all your baby teeth now and brush them twice daily. You are so anxious for a tooth to fall out.
  • Your Favorite Things: You have started to outgrow the princess stage. You prefer to play school, draw and write. 
  • What I love about you: You still have a great imagination and love to play school.  You love to sing and dance and you newest love is ice skating. You are always looking out for your brothers.  You have so much joy.  Laughing and giggling make up most of your day.
 Chesney's 6 year old question and answer session:
  1. What is your favorite color? Pink
  2. What is your favorite toy? Doll
  3. What is your favorite stuffed animal? Blankie
  4. What is your favorite thing to sleep with? Blankie
  5. What is your favorite fruit? Apple
  6. What is your favorite cereal? Cheerios
  7. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?Pancakes
  8. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  9. What is your favorite dessert? Cake
  10. What is your favorite drink? Lemonade
  11. What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? Pizza
  12. What is your favorite animal? Elephant
  13. What is your favorite book? School Yearbook     
  14. What is your favorite song? Anything Taylor Swift
  15. What is your favorite game? Tic Tac Toe
  16. What is your favorite TV show? Sofia the First
  17. What is your favorite movie? The Little Mermaid
  18. What is your favorite thing to do outside? chalk
  19. Who is your best friend? Kendall & Hannah S.
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Singer
Happy 6th birthday Chesney.  We had so much fun celebrating you today and can't wait to see what the year ahead brings.  Love you sweetie pie!


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