Friday, January 15, 2016

Brecken's 3rd Birthday

Happy birthday to the little boy who gives us a million laughs.
Today we celebrated you with lots of love and noodles because you love noodles (or noonoles as you call them).

We started the day with birthday waffles, complete with candles and singing of course. 
 Grandma and Grandpa had some surprises planned as well. Birthday donuts to start the day.
 And a fun gift!
 Then they took Brecken to Fazolis for a lunch date.  Lemonade and noodles are a 3 year old's birthday dream.
 And a little afternoon fun with balloons.
For dinner we ordered Italian House, more noodles.
 Then we had the football cake he was so excited for. 
After the cake was served, Brecken took his cutter (also known as a table knife) and cut the cake into pieces and used his shovel (also known as a spatula) and picked up pieces asking everyone if they wanted more cake.
 By the time he was done, the entire cake was a disaster.  But he had fun with it.
 He was pretty excited to open his presents.
 All day long when we would ask him how old he was, he would tell us 5.  But at bedtime, I asked if he would always be my baby and he looked at me and said "no Mommy, I'm 3". We had such a wonderful day celebrating this amazing 3 year old.  

Here is what you are up to at 3 years old:
  • Weight: 27 pounds (5 percentile)
  • Length: 3' 0.71" (24 percentile)
  • Clothes: You wear size 3T shirts and 2T pants.  You love to wear jersey's and sports shirts.
  • Shoes: You wear a size 8 shoe.  You love to wear boots (snow boots, rain boots).
  • Food: You like milk, orange juice and smoothies.  You are a picky eater.  You will eat noodles (which are your favorite), chicken nuggets, PBJ, meat balls, grilled cheese.  You like fruit but refuse to eat vegetables (we sneak those into things when we can).
  • Development:  You know how to spell your name (but not write it).  You can count to 12.  You know about half of your colors. You can hit a golf club and baseball bat like a pro.
  • Sleep: You go to bed at about 7:00-7:30 every night and wake up somewhere around 6:30 am.  We read a book before bed every night and then say our prayers.  You nap for about 2 hours daily.
  • Your Favorite Things: You love anything that has to do with sports.  Golf is your favorite but hockey, football and baseball aren't far behind. You would live outside if we let you.  You love to go out and ride the bikes and scooters.
  • What I love about you: You are so full of energy (which is often good but can get you in trouble too). You play hard from the time you wake up until nap time.  When you are tired, you start to cause trouble (like hitting or sometimes pinching).  You are all boy and love playing sports.
  Brecken's 3 year old question and answer session:
  1. What is your favorite color? Green
  2. What is your favorite toy? work bench and tools
  3. What is your favorite stuffed animal? Blankie
  4. What is your favorite thing to sleep with? Blankie
  5. What is your favorite fruit? Mandarin oranges
  6. What is your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms
  7. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes
  8. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Noodles
  9. What is your favorite dessert? Ice Cream
  10. What is your favorite drink? Orange juice
  11. What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? Noodles
  12. What is your favorite animal? Cow
  13. What is your favorite book? Little Critter     
  14. What is your favorite song? Itsy Bitsy Spider
  15. What is your favorite game? Don't Wake Daddy
  16. What is your favorite TV show? Caillou
  17. What is your favorite movie? Bob the Builder
  18. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride your bike & play golf
  19. Who is your best friend? Chesney
  20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Golfer
Happy 3rd birthday Brecken.  We love you so much!

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