Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chesney's School Halloween Party

Chesney had a Halloween party at school today, and Brecken and I went in to help out. These little people were so excited to put their costumes on.  And they all looked adorable.  First they did a parade around the school to show their costumes to everyone.  The first stop was the office where Mrs. Murphy (the secretary) and Mrs. Dillon (the principal) took time to check the kids out.
 Then the kids went into each classroom to parade through.  The staff at this school is absolutely amazing.  The pre-K kids totally interrupted lesson plans, and the teachers just stopped what they were doing to ooohhhh and aaahhh at these littles.
 This is the morning Pre-K class (there are 8 more kiddos in the afternoon). Elsa was the popular costume.
 After the parade, the kids had a snack, pretzels and apple juice.  After snack they played a few games.
 The kids loved playing Halloween bingo with candy corn.
 They finished the day with a game of find the pumpkin.
I seriously have just as much fun as the kids whenever I am in their room.  And Brecken was so good the entire time.  He was quiet during the parade and ate a bag of pretzels while the kids had snack.  Thanks to the Pre-K kids for having so much fun and letting us join in.

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