Monday, January 23, 2012

Chesney - 22 Months Old

 Somehow the last month just flew by.  Our baby is another month older.

Here is what you are up to at 22 Months:
  • Weight: 28.5 lbs
  • Length: 35 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 18-24 month clothes
  • Shoes: You wear a size 6 or 7 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You started wearing big girl underwear (or under-roos as you like to call them.  You do very well during the day and usually only have accidents if you drink more than you should and we can't get you to the potty on time.  You are doing such a great job of telling us when you need to go potty.  You still wear a diaper at nap and night and are still usually dry after nap.
  • Food: You started eating rice and a few more meats this month.  And you have a new love for smoothies. You tend to graze throughout the day but if you are kept busy, you will stick to the big meals.  This will be much easier when it is warm and you get outside to play again.
  • Development: You can now count to 11.  If we ask you what comes after a number (for example "what comes after 5") you always say "rubber ducky."  I'm not sure where you leaned that, but it is too cute. You also know 2 shapes, triangle and circle which you sometimes call round.
  • Words: You are such a talker!  You can pretty much tell us anything that you want.  You pick up on everything we say.  You love to sing to your music in the care and know so many of the words.  You also know some of the words in your books because we read them so often.
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 6:30-7:00 am.  We read a few books before bed and then you fall asleep pretty quickly.  You take one 1.5 hour nap every day.
  • Teeth: Your 13th tooth, right upper canine came in and your 14th tooth, bottom left canine came in this month.
  • What I love about you: You are happy almost every minute of the day.  You love to play and get so excited when you play.  You love to give hugs and say "I wove you."  And we love it when you hug us or your blankie and say "oh sweetie, I wove you".
Chesney, we are crazy about you.  We love every moment we spend with you and can't get enough of your smiles.  I would snuggle you for hours everyday if I could.  Love you so much peanut!

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