Thursday, June 23, 2011

15 Months Old

Chesney you are so full of personality now.  You are constantly smiling and making noise.  And you don't slow down!
Here is what you are up to at 15 Months:
  • Weight: 24 lbs (70.8 percentile)
  • Length: 32.5 inches(92.5 percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 months clothes 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 or 5 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear mostly cloth diapers and Size 4 Pampers or Huggies at bedtime.  
  • Food: You have started eating more foods.  You love lasagna, chili, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti, cheesy noodles, homemade pizza, quesadillas, and potatoes on the grill.  You have started to eat more fruits including grapes, watermelon, and strawberries.  You still love your blueberries the best though!
  • Development: You have become very steady on your feet and can even catch yourself when you are wobbly now.  Your favorite toy is your bike-a (bike).  You have two outside and two inside and spend a good part of the day on one of the four.  You love it when we push one bike and chase you while you ride a different bike.  You put your head down and just run with the bike.  You also love to throw a ball around.
  • Words: You say so many words now that I can't keep track anymore.  You say at least 40+ words and can repeat a lot of things we say.  You have become so good at telling us what you want.  You say woof for puppy now.  You say "up and down" a thousand times a day because it is your favorite part of The Wheels on the Bus.  You tap your nose for beep, beep beep and wave your arms for the wipers.
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between about 7:00 am.  You take a 1 to 2 hour nap in the morning and a 30 minute nap in the afternoon.   In the past few days, you have started carrying a doll around who you just call baby.  At bedtime and nap time, you say baby until we bring her into you.  We love to listen to you on the monitor after we put you to bed because you talk and sing for about 15-30 minutes.
  • Teeth: Only one new tooth this month, your left lower 1st molar on June 10, 2011.
  • What I love about you: Chesney you are so full of life.  You don't stop talking/singing until you lay down for a nap or bedtime.  We find it crazy cute how you will randomly come hug our leg and say "hi".  You say "hi" a lot (waving with your arm way above your head) during the day, even when we have been around the entire day.  We also love how you tickle our feet and back when you walk by sometimes.  Seeing you grow so fast has been bittersweet but I have to say that you are a ton of fun right now.  We love you to pieces Chesney!


 You love to stand on your tippy-toes and take things out of the drawers.
   Ticking Daddy!
Snuggle time with Daddy!
 You take your baby to bed with you every night (in the last week).  And we take her out before we go to bed.
You are such a bundle of love Chesney!

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