Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly Blogdate

Life is busy, so busy.  But so much fun!
 Teddy bear lunch for Chesney.
 Grampy was waiting at our house last Monday when I came home from work.  He was driving through for work and spent the night. I was so surprised, but the kiddos were even more surprised when he came along to pick them up from Grandma and Grandpa's house. And they had so much fun playing with him that night. Brecken woke up the next morning and asked for Grampy right away.  When I said he had to leave for work he started crying and saying "Grampy come back!" over and over again.  I then asked Brecken if we should go visit Grampy sometime and through teary eyes he said "NOW!" Thanks for stopping Grampy.  Even though it wasn't a long visit, it was so wonderful to have you.
Someone was tired out after swim and playing at Grandma and Grandpa's on Tuesday. He crashed in the car before we could make it home for nap.

This was a busy week as I had lunch duty at Chesney's school (and Grandma filled in when I was at work...thanks so much Grandma!)  I loved seeing Chesney eat lunch with her friends and play at recess with the other kindergartners. Chesney however took it pretty rough.  As much as she loved having us there, she hated it when we left. She cried everyday during recess because she knew she would have to go in after recess without us.  The secretary actually had to come find me on the playground (when I was monitoring the older kids playing) because Chesney was crying and kept asking for me.  She has such a tender heart and loves her family so much. Maybe some day she will understand that I love her even more than she loves me and that it broke my heart more than hers to have to leave her at school and walk away when she was crying.  All I wanted to do was grab her and run out of that school. Sometimes it is just hard to be a parent.
 We babysat a friend's little guy on Tuesday for a few hours. His mom, Abbey, and I were pregnant at the same time; her due date was about a week ahead of mine.  I was walking Mackston to my recovery room after delivery, around 8am on May 30, and Abbey came walking down the hall having contractions. Little stinker, Jack, decided to hold out until just after midnight.  These two little guys are going to grow up to be good buddies (the Jack and Mac team).  They will both go to the same school someday.  I seriously can not wait to watch how they grow together.
 And after they laughed and giggled, they crashed.
 We had so much fun watching Jack. 
Tuesday, when Chesney had such a rough time at lunch, I walked out of the school and a fuzzy caterpillar was on the side walk. Chesney has been trying to find a caterpillar for weeks, and it seemed so fitting that I found one outside her school on the day she was having such a hard time.  I scooped that caterpillar up and brought it home to surprise her when school was out.
Jack-o-lantern lunch!
Legos have been the big hit this week.  Chesney built a pony stable and Brecken and Daddy built a pirate ship and giant tower.
Ellie figured out how to sneak around the gate one morning.  So she hung out in the bathroom with Chesney while I got ready.
We hit the library one day after school
I was looking at these little people at the table on Saturday thinking of how much I love seeing them sitting there, just so little in their pjs.  Someday I'm sure going to miss those silly smiles at the table.
Saturday mornings are a great time for...pillow fights!
There were more giggles than anyone could ever imaging during that 30 minute pillow fight.
Daddy had golf tournaments all weekend, so we had a pizza party.
And Sunday we went to the church for a fall carnival.
We have packed so much into the weeks that the kiddos have been exhausted at night.  And we have been possibly more exhausted.

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