My little man is a quarter of a year old already! Such a busy month becoming more mobile. Here's a peek at what you have been up to all month.
Celebrated your first St. Patty's Day.
Rolled from your tummy to your back (March 19, 2013).
Celebrated your sister's 3rd birthday.
Moved to your crib (March 25, 2013).
Took lots of walks.
Celebrated your first Easter.
Went to Grammy and Grampy's house for the first time (March 29, 2013).
And stole even more of your sister's heart.
- Weight: 12 pounds
- Length: 25 inches
- Clothes: You are wearing a few 0-3 month clothes but mostly 3-6 month clothes.
- Shoes: We have not put shoes on you yet.
- Diapers: Pampers Size 1 and cloth diapers when we are home.
- Food: Just mommy milk
- Development: You rolled from your front to back on March 19, 2013. You have recently been rolling on your side and love to push your feet against the floor to turn.
- Words: None
- Sleep: You sleep from 8 or 8:30 pm to between 7 and 8am. Napping for a couple hours in the morning and a nap or two in the afternoon and usually a cat nap after dinner too.
- What I love about you: You are such a happy and easy going baby. You tend to go with the flow and rarely fuss much. Your eyes light up when you see us, and we love it!
Brecken is such a cute little man. Love the pictures. Chesney, Mom and Dad are pretty lucky to have such a cutie! Love you all! Grammy and Grampy