Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mackston {10 Months Old}

How in the world can we be 2 months away from having a 1 year old.  I can't even think about that.
 Here is what you have been up to over the past month...

Lots of walks.
Eating, eating, eating
 Boxes of fun.
 Pulling yourself up on everything!

 Celebrating Chesney's birthday.
 Easter egg hunts.
 And Easter fun.


Your 10 month stats:

  • Weight:  20 pounds
  • Length: 28.5 inches (57%)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month clothes and 12 month pjs.
  • Shoes: You don't wear shoes, just the occasional slippers.
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night. 
  • Food: Mommy milk, water. You are a bottomless pit when you eat.  You have yet to meet a food you don't like.
  • Development: You crawl all of the place, typically trying to get to the dog's food and water dishes. You've figured out how to climb the stairs now too.
  • Words: Dada (February 20)
  • Teeth: Mackston has 4 teeth.  
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7:30 or 8 pm and sleep until I wake you up to take Chesney to school around 7 or 7:30.  You usually take one 2 hour nap daily and then a cat nap.
  • What I love about you: You are Mr. Happy.  You love to keep yourself busy by playing with anything you can find (which usually leaves a big mess).  You like to be outside and love going for walks.
Happy 10 months baby boy.  We love you!

Easter 2016

We had a long and fun Easter weekend.  We left on Thursday afternoon to visit Grammy and Grampy.
 The visit started with ice cream and a gift to celebrate Chesney's birthday.
 The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins, including a slumber party. 
  On Saturday morning we woke up for an Easter egg hunt.
 And then we went to a school near Grammy and Grampy's house for an Easter egg hunt.

 The local fire department was there and let the kids climb in the truck.
 When we got back we had Easter dinner and then the kids got to burn some energy with a piƱata.
We made it home late Saturday night, just in time to get things ready at home for Easter.


We finished our Easter egg hunt and breakfast just in time to make it to Easter church service.
 Donuts and an Easter egg hunt were a hit after church.
 Later in the afternoon we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Easter dinner and an egg hunt.
 Cutest little bunny I know.
 And a little Easter hot tub fun!
Happy Easter.