Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Today is the day our little girl celebrates being one hand old for the last time.  She has grown so much over the past year, and I can hardly handle it.  It's a hard transition to let this little girl go to school all day.  I feel like I barely see her anymore.  That makes the nights and weekends even more special. At least she still thinks her mom and dad are cool.
My Dear Chesney,

You are such a special little girl.  You love your mommy and me time so very much but that time means more to me than it does to you.  I hope that we are always able to spend this special time together.

You have the most caring heart. You are always looking out for people whether it be making cards or bracelets or giving hugs.  And you are the best big sister.  You are quick to make sure that your little brothers are staying out of harms way.  I know that you will protect them until I can get to them if they are causing mischief.

Chesney, you are a smart little cookie.  You can read so well and are pretty amazing at sounding out words.  You are often in your room either playing school or reading.  You prefer to play with us instead of playing alone.

Little girls like you are rare, Chesney, and we have the best one of all.  You are the entire package, cute, lovable, smart and sweet.  I can't wait to watch you grow, but I still want you to be my little girl. You are all glitter and shine girl, and I always know where to find you because I can just follow your sparkly trail.  And I just love watching you share your sparkle with the entire world.

Love you always,

Happy last day of 5 Chesney!!!

1 comment:

  1. Chesney is like her Mommy. Always.a caring heart and would light up the room.
