Monday, November 30, 2015

Mackston {6 Months Old}

My little man is half a year old. I'm so happy to be able to celebrate this milestone with him but so sad that he is growing so quickly.
Here's what you've been up to over the past month:
Celebrating your first Halloween as a little cow named Macky Moo.
Hanging out with your sister.
Getting family pictures taken.
Just being cute!
Hanging out with Grammy.
Bouncing away.
Enjoying your first snowfall.
Chew, chew, chewing on your new toys.
Enjoying a Thanksgiving feast at Chesney's school.
Relaxing with Daddy.
Helping decorate for Christmas.
Being the middle of the best sandwich ever, a sibling sandwich.
Learning to blow raspberries, and it's one of your favorite tricks!

Your 6 month stats:
  • Weight:  16 pounds 11 ounces (30th percentile)
  • Length: 27.5 in (80th percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 3-6 month clothes, moving up to 6-9 months and 9 month pjs.
  • Shoes: You don't wear shoes, just the occasional slippers.
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night. 
  • Food: Just mommy milk.
  • Development: You learned to roll from your front to your back on November 20.  You can now roll both ways.  You love to grab your feet and chew on them. You are a big fan of bouncing in your Jumperoo.
  • Words: None
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 8pm and sleep until I wake you up to take Chesney to school.  You sometimes get up once in the night and other times sleep through the night.  You usually take a 1 hour morning nap and just cat naps in the afternoon.
  • What I love about you: You are such a sweet little guy.  You love to smile and giggle at Chesney and Brecken.  You make us smile a thousand times a day.
  Happy 6 months Mackston! We love you!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We had Thanksgiving at our house this year and it was very relaxing and fun.
 Grandma and Grandpa had Chesney, Allie and Ryan over for a sleep over. I have a feeling these kiddos are going to have lots of sleep overs throughout the years.
Matching Christmas pjs.
 The day after Thanksgiving the doorbell rang for a little surprise...
 Jolly the Christmas elf had arrived!
 The best mornings start with these three cuties!
 And this guy too!
We went to the mall to meet Santa and to do a little shopping.
 And then we made some cookies.  This guy loves his cookies with M&Ms in them.  So we make lots of monster cookies.
 And we also whipped up a batch of chocolate chip scones.
 Which Chesney and I snacked on while playing board games (during Brecken's nap).
  When Brecken woke up, he grabbed a snack and joined us for some Candy Land fun.
 We watched a little Frosty before bed.
 And the kid's woke up ready to find out where Jolly was hiding.
Let the holiday fun begin!

Mackston {1st Tooth}

Mackston's first tooth came through today. His left lower central incisor has pushed through.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Mackston {26 Weeks Old}

This week Mackston celebrated his first Thanksgiving.  We are definitely thankful to have this little man in our family.
 He did a little better job of sleeping this week including some longer morning naps and sleeping through the night for the most part.
Happy 26 weeks love bug!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Weekly Blogdate

This week brought snowy fun.  It was the first snow for Ellie. She was a little cautious at first but after exploring for a bit she realized it can be lots of fun.
 And cold snow playing makes for lots of hot cocoa to warm up.
  We played lots of games.
 Meanwhile, Mackston played under his kicking machine.
 And we did some decorating for Christmas.