Monday, February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Brecken {13 Months Old}

Brecken is 13 months old! We had a lot of fun over the past month.
Here is a look at what we did this month:
 Had a pizza party on your birthday.
Celebrated your first birthday with a party on January 18, 2014.
Hung out with your sister.
 Took a trip to the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells (February 3, 2014).
 Did your first painting (February 13, 2014).
  • Weight: 18ish pounds 
  • Length:  31 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month clothes. You are wearing 12 month sleepers. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 3 shoe. 
  • Diapers: A mix of cloth and Pampers (size 2) this month
  • Food: You are not a picky eater, but if you don't want something, you shake your head no. Breakfast is probably your favorite meal. You don't like scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. You drink mommy milk and water. 
  • Development: You blow kisses (started January 25), go down the stairs, climb onto chairs (and everything really), kick a ball, make baskets with the basketball, and can throw a ball quite well. 
  • Words: Dada and hi
  • Teeth:1st upper molars (January 21) and 1st lower left molar (February 6).
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 7pm and wake up at 7.  You take a 1.5-2 hour morning and afternoon nap.  Your morning nap is around 8:30 and afternoon around 1.
  • What I love about you: You are such a love bug.  You give the best snuggly hugs. Love, love, love it when you blow kisses. Brecken, you just move constantly.  I think we may be in trouble when we get you outside because you may never want to come in.  You may be a tiny little man, but if you want something, you will figure out a way to get to it.

Happy 13 months Brecken!  We love you little guy!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lean Mean Cleaning Machine

Brecken loves the vacuum, I mean loves.  He follows us around when we vacuum and looks over every square inch of it if we park it outside of the closet.
 And he loves the mop too.  If he was actually big enough to push these around, the house would be so much cleaner (and I would have so much less to do).

Brecken {10th Tooth}

Brecken's 10th tooth, the lower right lateral incisor is coming in.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

We celebrated Valentine's Day a day early since I was working on Valentine's Day.
 I made these cute little milk cubes to float in Chesney's milk.  She loved them, and they were just so sweet floating around in her cup.
 We made pancakes with Valentine sprinkles for breakfast.
 Always a hit with this girl.
Brecken got plain pancakes but was equally happy.
 We did a little painting after breakfast. This was the first time I let Brecken paint. 
 He tried to eat the paint way too many times to count. But he really liked it.
 Chesney loves all things art.
 Brecken may have had more paint on himself than the paper.
 The kiddos did wear a Valentine outfit on V-day.  Chesney found the cute headband at Michaels the day before and had to have it.

And we made special Valentine's for the Grandparents. 
Happy Valentine's Day from our little love bugs.