Thursday, January 17, 2019

January Happenings

January has been off to a busy but fun start.
 Brecken is back at Intro to Hockey. Last weekend the coach sent him down to play with the 6U team after the first Intro to Hockey drill.  He has become such a good little skater this winter.
 Chesney had her dance team Christmas party. 
 We went to watch Ryan play hockey one Sunday afternoon and followed it up with a late lunch.
 Mackston loaded up the extra trash.
 It was actually warm enough to play outside for an entire morning, so we got out the bikes.
 Chesney's class was serving for Scoopie Night at Culvers.
 Brecken insisted on going along to help.
 Chensey and Crew looking clean and cute after a shower.
 The ice rink needed a zamboni, so Crew took the job.
 Chesney got her dance competition team jacket.
 Crew was getting fixed up for some reason.
 The kids got Magnatiles for Christmas and have loved building with them.
 Mackston found the dress up bin.
 Mackston and Crew were my helpers to make a bed skirt to match Chesney's new bedding.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Brecken's 6th Birthday

Our little Brecken is 6 years old. He ended up sleeping in on his birthday because Grampy made a surprise visit the night before. So Brecken stayed up a little later than normal to play with Grampy.
 We had pancakes for breakfast.  It takes 2 hands now to show how old he is.
 At school he got a birthday crown. And this year at school, your name is on a board in the lunchroom on your birthday and everyone sings to you during lunch.
After school we had a pizza party at home followed by a hockey ice cream cake.
 Brecken opened up his gifts after cake.
 It's hard to believe our little guy is 6. We had so much fun celebrating his birthday.

Brecken's growth percentiles:
Weight: 38 lb 9 oz (9th percentile)
Height: 3' 7.9" (22nd percentile)

Friday, January 11, 2019

Crew {21 Months Old}

Crew is 21 months old. This past month has been a lot of fun with Christmas and spending lots of time with cousins.

Here is what he has been up to over the past month...

 Visiting with Santa Clause.
 Playing in the snow.
 Opening lots of presents.
 Going sledding.
 Hanging out with cousins.
 Driving around you new ride.

Your 21 month stats:
  • Weight: 24 lbs 
  • Length: 32.25 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing size 12-18 (pants) and 18-24 month clothes and 12-18 month sleepers.
  • Shoes: You wear size 5 shoes
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers.
  • Food: Mommy milk and water.
  • Development: You are saying more words on your own now. You jump and climb.
  • Words: You will can say most of the animal sounds and repeat color words.
  • Teeth: You have 16 teeth.
  • Sleep:  You sleep through the night and take a 2 hour afternoon nap.
  • What I love about you: You are good at playing on your own but love to make messes when no one is looking.