2 months ago this handsome man came into our lives. And he has been such a sweet baby.
Here's what you have been up to over the past month.
First smile on May 14, 2017.
Getting lots of lovins from your sister.
Just a swinging.
Hanging out with big brother.
Snuggling with Grammy.
You were baptized on June 3, 2017.
Your 2 month stats:
- Weight: 11lb 8oz (20th percentile)
- Length: 23.5 inches (60th percentile)
- Clothes: You are wearing 0-3 month clothes but your sleepers are getting a little short.
- Shoes: We have not put shoes on you yet.
- Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night.
- Food: Just mommy milk.
- Development: You love to coo and smile. You try to hold conversations with cooing.
- Sleep: You wake up once at night, usually around 2 am and then sleep until 5:30 or 6 am. You nap on and off throughout the day. You sleep best on your tummy.
- What I love about you: You are still a pretty big deal around here. Everyone loves to talk to you and hold you. Mackston loves to give you kisses.
Happy 2 months Crew! You are so loved!!
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