Thursday, April 6, 2017


It's officially spring which means we have had a mix of sun and rain.
 The big kids did a little science experiment day, figuring out which objects absorb water and which do not.
 We found this on Chensey's white board one day.  She has the sweetest soul.  And Daddy always leaves little notes on her board too which is just as sweet.
 These two love books, but finding Gold-bug is as good as it gets.
 Rainy weather called for some outside play.  Mackston had to wear Cheney's raincoat.
 And they begged to go for a walk in the rain, so we did just that.
 Helpers peeling potatoes for dinner.
 We have had some sunny and mild days as well, which means we are back to our park trips.
My awesome nurse got an ice cream cake to celebrate the new baby.  She even got double fudge and cookie in the middle. She's a keeper!
 These two little guys got into the Fruity Pebbles one day.  It was like confetti all over the kitchen floor.
 Ellie was equally part of this operation.
 And she had the confetti fur as proof.
 We got out some of the baby stuff this week.  Brecken had his baby in the swing all day and made a little camp for himself under the swing.
 And we hit up Scoopie night for Chesney's school.  Mackston was jumping up and down yelling "Scoopie" because he was so excited.

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