Happy 4th birthday to our sweet little man. You still seem like such a little guy to me, and it's hard to believe you are four.
We had your party yesterday for which you picked a golf theme.
I loved making your invites, and I loved how they turned out.
For lunch we had a pasta bar, fitting for a little guy who loves noodles with butter.
Happy as can be while eating noodles.
You loved your golf cart cake.
You had lots of fun playing with your cousins.
Today you woke ready to celebrate. Grampy took you to get a donut .
And Chesney had one too.
Then we had the traditional birthday pancakes.
After breakfast you opened a couple more gifts.
A little house hockey to try out your birthday gifts.
Tonight we had cupcakes again and sang another round if Happy Birthday.
Here is what you are up to at 4 years old:
- Weight: 30 12 oz pounds (9 percentile)
- Length: 3' 3" (22 percentile)
- Clothes: You
wear size 4T shirts and pants. You like to dress yourself.
- Shoes: You wear a size 10 shoe.
- Food: You
like milk, orange juice and apple juice. You are still picky but have started to try new things. You started eating peas, carrots and corn in the past couple months. You still love noodles more than anything but will eat chicken, PBJ, grilled cheese.
- Development:
You learned how to spell your name the week of your birthday. You can count to 20. You know your colors but mix up blue and red sometimes. You can ride your bike without training wheels. You still love to play sports.
- Sleep: You
go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up somewhere around
6:15 am. We read a book before bed every night and then say our
prayers. You are done with naps.
- Your Favorite Things: You
love being outside, riding your bike, golfing, playing on the swing set.
- What I love about you: You are a ball of energy but have become so much calmer and more caring over the past year. You still have your moments when you hit but those are not often. You like to help Mackston when he needs something.
Brecken's 4 year old question and answer session:
- What is your favorite color? Orange
- What is your favorite toy? tools
- What is your favorite stuffed animal? Blankie
- What is your favorite thing to sleep with? Blankie
- What is your favorite fruit? Mandarin oranges
- What is your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms
- What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes or Cereal
- What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Noodles
- What is your favorite dessert? Ice Cream
- What is your favorite drink? Milk
- What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? Cake
- What is your favorite animal? Dog
- What is your favorite book? Paw Patrol
- What is your favorite song? ABCs
- What is your favorite game? Zingo
- What is your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse Club House
- What is your favorite movie? Toy Story
- What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride your bike & play golf
- Who is your best friend? Ryan
- What do you want to be when you grow up? A Daddy
Happy 4th birthday Brecken. We had so much fun celebrating you all weekend. We love you!