17 months old and this boy is practically a toddler tornado.
Here's a peek at your past month...
Playdoh fun.
An ice cream treat.
Pumpkin patch playing.
Your 17 month stats:
- Weight: 24.5 pounds
- Length: 32.5 inches
- Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 month clothes and 18 month pjs.
- Shoes: You wear size 5 shoes
- Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night.
- Food: Mommy milk, water. You still eat almost anything. You have very few foods you don't like. You seem to be slowing down on how much you eat, but then some meals you will finish your plate and try to get the rest of Brecken's food too.
- Development: You are a running, climbing, bike riding machine. It pretty much seems that if anyone else is doing something, you will give it a try. You love to make car and truck sounds. You know where your eyes, belly, tongue, hair and feet are.
- Words: You can now repeat almost anything we say. The new words are Grandpa (Gapa) and Grandma (Gama), chickadee, gobble, turkey. As well as the old words: Dada, Mama, hot, hat, moo, baa, hello, up, ni-ni, uh-oh, puppy, woof, neigh, meow, digger
- Teeth: You have 12 teeth. No new teeth this month.
- Sleep: You go to bed around 7:30 pm and sleep until I wake you up to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house. On the days I'm off, you sleep until 7:30 when I wake you up to take Chesney to school. You take one 2 hour nap daily in the afternoon.
- What I love about you: You are a busy boy but will play by yourself for the most part. You would prefer to play outside all day if we let you. When you are outside, you love to ride your firetruck or any bike you can find.