Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mackston {3 Months Old}

Oh baby boy, slow down, just slow down please. You're how old now...
3 months you say.  Slow down!

Here's what you have been up to over the past month:
 Visiting Daddy's job site.
Taking walks and napping through them.

Playing with your brother and sister.
Looking handsome while chilling with Mommy.
Hanging out pool side.
Rolling from your back to your belly (August 10, 2015).
Trips to the park.
Anniversary dinner with Mommy, Daddy and Chesney.
Trying out the bottle and hating it every time.
Sending your big sister off to school.

Your 3 month stats:

  • Weight: 12 3/4 pounds
  • Length: 24 inches 

  • Clothes: You are wearing 0-3 month clothes but have moved up to 3-6 month sleepers because you are so long. 

  • Shoes: We have not put shoes on you yet.

  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers day and night.

  • Food: Just mommy milk and you refuse to drink out of a bottle.

  • Development: You coo, smile and giggle all day long.  You love Chesney and smile almost instantly when you see her.  You rolled from your back to your front on August 10, 2015.  And you love to push with your legs and scoot from under your gym.

  • Words: None

  • Sleep:  You sleep through the night. You sleep for 9-11 hour stretch at night followed by a 1-2 hour stretch after eating.  Then you take a 1-2 hour nap around 9:30am. You tend to cat nap the rest of the day. You still sleep in our room. 

  • What I love about you: You are just the happiest little guy and so easy going.  You love being by your mommy and are usually happy in my arms.
Happy 3 months Mackston! Love you so much little buddy!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mackston {13 Weeks Old}

Mackston is 13 weeks old and getting so big.  He loves to roll to his belly and use his legs to turn when he is laying under his gym.
 He sleeps through the night and takes at least one good nap a day. And he still refuses to drink out of a bottle.
This is my week day life now.  Just me and the boys while Chesney is at school.  And I totally forgot how easy it was when one child is a baby.  There is no fighting over toys or tattling.  I'll enjoy this until Mackston gets mobile and starts taking toys from Brecken.  Happy 13 weeks Mackston.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chesney {Kindergarten 1st Day}

Today you started kindergarten.  You were so excited and as excited as I was for you, my heart was breaking watching you walk off to Kindergarten.  We tried to make the morning as fun as we could because you love those small details.
 All ready for Kindergarten.
You were beyond excited to get to your classroom.  Your teacher gave you a special sock monkey which you will keep at school all year.
 We were so happy to pick you up at 11:30.  We had a special cake for you and sang "Happy 1st day of school" at dinner.
This was you last year before preschool...
And this year before Kindergarten.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Night Before Kindergarten

I have to send my little girl off to kindergarten tomorrow. I don't know how it happened but five years slipped through my fingers and now I have to let my baby go. I have a serious attachment issue with my kids which I am well aware of.  Sending Chesney away from 8am - 3pm daily is pretty much devastating. 
 Chesney, I have loved every minute I have spent with you and have been blessed to have the summer off to play, cook and dance.
 Tonight is the night we snuggle you close because we know you will grow by leaps and bounds by the end of the school year.
 Tonight is the night we celebrate you being five because by the end of the school year you will need two hands to count your age.
Tonight is the night we read you a special story and tell you how wonderful kindergarten will be.  We give you endless kisses and hugs, and tonight we ask for one more hug before you get a chance to ask.
 Tonight is the night I put on a brave face for you while my heart is hurting on the inside.  Tonight is the night I will cry because I know that I won't be able to see your smile all day long any more.  I won't get to hear your silly stories from sun up to sun down. And I won't get to pretend with you from breakfast to dinner.  But I will be so excited to make the most out of every second from 3pm until bedtime.
Tomorrow you will have more fun than you can imagine, and kindergarten will be more amazing than you ever dreamed.  And just like last year, you will share your precious smile and sweet giggles with your teacher and classmates. I will miss you all day long little buddy so be ready for tight hugs and heaps of kisses at pick up time!
Love you more than I can put into words little girl!