My little boy is 10 months old. How did that happen so quickly!?! You have mostly been busy pushing some teeth through.
Here's what you've been up to:
Pushed some stools around.
Celebrated your first Halloween as a mouse in a trap.
Started swimming lessons.
- Weight: 16ish pounds
- Length: 28.5 inches
- Clothes: You
are wearing 6-9 and 6-12 month clothes. You are wearing 6-9 month
- Shoes: You wear a size 3 shoe. Loving your new Pumas.
- Diapers: Cloth diapers almost all the time. Pampers Size 2 at night.
- Food: You started pumpkin, pancakes, waffles, noodles, raspberries, strawberries. You eat raspberries by the fistful.
You drink mommy milk and water.
- Development:
You are standing for longer periods of time. You are a super speedy crawler and climber. You love to do So Big, especially when you're eating.
- Words: Lots of babbling, no words.
- Teeth: 2 new teeth this month, the left upper central incisor (November 10, 2013) and the right upper lateral incisor (November 12, 2013).
- Sleep: You
are a great sleeper. You go to bed around 7:30 and wake up at 7. You take a 1.5-2 hour morning and afternoon nap. Your morning nap is around 8:30 and afternoon around 1.
- What I love about you: You are so easy going and playful. You like to climb and play, especially with your sister. She can always get you smiling. You love your mama and can tell her voice anywhere, even over the phone (which gets you crying sometimes). You love your daddy so much. You give him the biggest smiles when he comes home from work. Whenever someone you know well comes over, you crawl over to their feet and sit up on your knees waiting to be picked up for a hug.
Happy 10 months Brecken. You are the best little guy ever and we love you so much!