Friday, February 22, 2013

Cupcakes and Visitors

We have had some really fun visitors in the past week!  Emily (yes, amazing cupcake Emily) stopped by on Valentine's Day and brought, you guessed it, cupcakes.  She was so sweet to bring frosting and let Chesney decorate the cupcakes too.  And if you look close, those cupcakes are heart shaped.  Yup, she's that awesome!

 This week, my friend (who also happens to be my co-worker like Emily) stopped by with her baby girl, Charlee and her little girl, Lu.  Chesney and Lu played well together even though they were a little shy.  Charlee is a little over a week younger than Brecken.  She is such a sweet little cutie pie.  Brecken got all dressed up for his lady friend to visit.
There was a lot of arm moving at first.  I think Brecken was trying to put his arm around Charlee.
 And as evidence below, Charlee wasn't having any of it!  I love this picture, and the look on Brecken's face.  Don't worry buddy, there is plenty of time to pick up ladies.
 Thank you to all of our recent visitors.  I always love catching up with you ladies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie!
    I'm posting on your blog because you have your settings set up to be a "no reply" blogger, which means that I can't reply to your comments! You can switch them in your settings if you would like! Your little ones are sooooooo cute!!!!!
