Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We spent Turkey Day with Grammy & Grampy (and lots of other great people too).  We went to my Aunt Karen's house which is always a good time with great company!
 My Uncle Dave owns lots of tractors and combines (life size and toy size).  Little miss Chesney was in heaven!
 Grampy took Chesney and I for a ride in one of Uncle Dave's tractors.  Little miss had a BIG smile!

And this is how you Black Friday pre-game.  All the ladies reading the fliers.
 After our night of Black Friday shopping, we spent Friday afternoon on the search for the perfect tree for Grammy & Grampy's house.  We went to an amazing tree farm with a live nativity crew and Santa.
 Then we took the tractor ride to search for the tree.
 The "perfect tree".
 Grampy cutting the tree down.
 Dragging the tree in.
 Hot chocolate, popcorn, and apple cider to warm up after the tree find.
 We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing with the family.  Chesney got to help feed Garret.  He was fun until he decided he didn't want to play with the toys.
 So much to be thankful for this year, especially our little girl and wonderful families.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chesney 20 Months Old

My sweet girl is 20 months old!
 Here is what you are up to at 20 Months:
  • Weight: 26.5 lbs
  • Length: 33 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 18-24 month clothes
  • Shoes: You wear a size 6 or 7 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear training underwear during the day and a size 4 diaper at night.  You wear a cloth diaper at nap time and it is usually dry.
  • Food: You are learning to use your spoon very well.  You can eat cottage cheese and applesauce without much of a mess anymore.  Breakfast is your favorite meal by far.  You love to ask for eggs, pancakes, waffles, and sausage. 
  • Development: You are getting quicker and steadier on your feet.  You love to be chased around the playroom.  You still like to go in the shower with one of use.  You have crayons in there that you use to draw on the wall.  You don't like it when you don't get your way and will wave your arms like you are going to hit.  But if we tell you that is not ok, then you say sorry.
  • Words: You are talking so clear now and your memory is amazing.  If you hear something, you will pull it up at some random time.  This month you randomly were saying granddaughter one day and told grandma "that happens" after your sock fell off.  You still love to sing, especially when you are riding around in the cart at stores.  You can name all the characters on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (your favorite show).
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 6:30-7:00 am.  We read a few books before bed and then you talk in bed for a little bit before falling asleep.  You take one 1.5 hour nap every day.
  • Teeth: None this month. 
  • What I love about you: You are the sweetest little girl.  You love to say Mommy or Daddy and then "ahhh" while you hug us.  This month you learned to say "I love you."  You are such a happy girl and have an amazing personality.

The other day, Chuck and I were cleaning up dishes, and Chesney took off around the corner.  We thought she was heading upstairs so we called her name.  She didn't answer so we went to look for her and found her in the dining room sitting in this sled.
Happy 20 Months Chesney Sue!  You are so loved!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I know Thanksgiving has not come yet, but our house is in full Christmas mode.  When you have a little princess who is so excited about the twinkling lights, Santa, and Rudolph, it's hard not to feel the excitement with her.  So, we have been busy decorating for Christmas over the past few weeks. 
 This is the squinty face that she recently learned how to make while looking in the mirror after brushing her teeth.  She gets this from her Uncle Cory.
 She loved putting the Christmas Village together because everything lights up or moves.
 Decorating our upstairs tree.
 She didn't understand the concept of the ornament hangers, so she would just grab the ornaments and stuff them in the tree.
 We are so excited to finish our decorating, and even more excited to see her excitement for Christmas.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fall Leaves

I just found these pictures in my email.  These are some pictures of Chesney playing in the leaves in mid October at Grandma and Grandpa's house.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I need to record some random things that Chesney has been up to lately.  I don't ever want to forget these cute moments.
  • Grandma and Grandpa went to the cottage a couple weekends ago and Chesney said they were at the "cottage cheese."
  • She loves to try on shoes (especially at the stores).  However, she doesn't like putting back on the shoes she came in with.
  • She loves the show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and can name all the characters.  She gets so excited when the show starts and all the characters are introduced.  She will stand, point and the tv and yell out their names.
  • Chesney loves playing with our scarecrow decorations. She drags them around, dances with them and talks to them.  She will even lay them down when they need to "take a nap".

  • Chesney loves to add too at the end of sentences.  For example, she says: "Mommy drive car."  "Chesney drive car too."
  • When she wakes up in the morning or from nap, she likes to say "I take a nap."  And she is SO proud when she says it. 
  • When she wakes up from nap or in the morning, she will talk for a little while and then say "Mommy come here".
  • When Chesney puts on her pajamas at night she will say "cozy" as we are getting them on her.
  • When something is cute like a baby, teddy bear and for some reason Christmas trees, she either says "ahhhh" (and tilts her head to the side) or says "cuuuute" (and wrinkles her nose).
  • She started making faces in the mirror recently, so if you ask her to wrinkle her nose she gives you a squinty look.
  • Now that Chesney is using the potty, she likes to pretend her babies use the potty.  She will lay her baby on the floor and run to the bathroom yelling wipe.  If we don't go help her, she will grab the toilet paper and run to where ever her baby is at.  She likes to grab the toilet paper and spin as she is pulling.
  • Chesney loves to pile things everywhere.  She will take out all her Little People and doll house pieces and pile them in the stroller and then move them all somewhere else.
You can't see the stroller here, but the stroller is full of toys.  And yes, she is walking in heels and socks.  Love this girl!