- Weight: 18 pounds
- Length: 27 inches
- Clothes: You are wearing a few 3-6 months clothes, mostly shirts and some 6-9 month clothes and pajamas.
- Shoes: Shoes are not your best friend. You kick them off all the time.
- Diapers: Size 3 Pampers. You have had a few bouts with diaper rash in the past month but we can't not seem to pinpoint a reason. So, we are now blaming it on teething.
- Food: You started solids this past month and love, love, love to eat. You have tried carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, mashed potatoes, pears, applesauce, prunes, banana, cereal, and avocado. You by far love the orange stuff the most, especially sweet potatoes (but you haven't turned orange just yet). I make all of your food (except cereal), and you eat two cubes for lunch and dinner. and a bowel of cereal for breakfast. You are eating both breast milk and formula but not nearly as much as you used to. And yes you are getting some stains on your clothes but I haven't died yet.
- Development: You are starting to sit for small periods of time but by no means are a sitter. We are working at that though. You can roll all over both ways without a problem and squirm on your tummy to get toys. You are talking all the time. And now you talk in a high pitched voice when you see the daddy or the kitty. You love to stick your hand out when you see Milo and to pet him.
- Words: None
- Sleep: You are still a great sleeper. You go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 am. You take a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the morning and a couple 30 minute naps in the afternoon. You sleep in your sleepsack at night now and have no problems with it.
- Teeth: None yet
- What I love about you: You recently learned how to give high fives, and it is the cutest thing ever. You also like to peek around my shoulder to see what else is going on. You have such a great personality, and your eyes light up when you smile. I'm so looking forward to watching you grow and loving every step along the way.
Victoria’s Secret Robes $35
59 minutes ago
Dear little Chesney, you are so cute. Seems like yesterday that you were so little and now look at you. The little dress Mommy made looks so cute on you. High five Chesney, see you soon. Kayla and I will be down to see you in a couple weeks. Love you, Grammy