Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Weekend

Our Memorial Day weekend started off with a bang...literally.  We had some teenagers throw a bomb into our pool, ruining the liner and cover on Friday night.   Chuck says we are the pool stores best customers, pool in one year, new liner the next year.  We are hoping to have our pool back next week.  And Chuck is hoping to catch the boys who think throwing an explosive devise is funny.

The rest of the weekend was much more enjoyable. Lots of play outside...in the kiddy pool.
 On Monday, we went to the local Memorial Day parade.  This was Chesney's first parade, and she loved it.
 She didn't really like the loud sirens on the police cars and fire truck.
 Her favorite part was the marching bands.
Watching Chesney have so much fun at the parade makes me want to track down every parade in the Southern part of the state to take her to.  Or maybe we will wait until the Labor Day parade.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend Fun

We spent a long weekend with Grammy and Grampy last weekend and has so much fun!  Chesney spent Thursday with Grampy while I hit some city wide rummage sales with my mom and sister.  Chesney had so much fun with Grampy, going to the zoo and playing outside.  We did receive a call that Chesney couldn't find the dinosaurs, dragons or penguins at the park though. (I didn't make Grampy carry the camera because chasing Chesney is enough work.  But next year, I'll throw in the camera challenge as well).  Friday, Chesney and I went to the zoo and played at the park.  Chippewa has such a cute little zoo. 
 Grammy and Grampy were both home Saturday, so we spent lots of time outside.  Chesney helped Grampy paint the clothesline although how much help she was is really debatable. 
Chesney asked before we went to visit Grammy and Grampy if they had a swing set.  Luckily they do, and she made sure to try out every piece of it.

 Saturday night we met Chad, Mandi, Bradyn and Brynna for dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  It was delicious!  And the kids had so much fun together.
 We had to head home on Sunday, but not before Chesney helped Grammy and Grampy fix the door, feed the fish and plant part of the garden.
 Thanks Grammy and Grampy for the wonderful weekend.  We love you!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I don't know how we are going to make it through this summer.  This girl just dislikes being outside so much.  Can you tell?!?
 Love these two so much!
 And we had a special treat tonight...ice cream cones.  This was Chesney's first ice cream cone ever, and it's hard to believe, but she loved it!
She is such a little sweetie pie!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Time To Get Wet

Since we don't have our big pool open yet, I pulled out the little pool for Chesney today.  It was absolutely beautiful outside, and she was begging to go outside from the time she woke up.  I set her pool up down on the patio so I could plant flowers while she played in her pool and with her water table.
This is a taste of what the next few months have to offer.  Lots of outside time with the sweetest little girl I know!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Today is the day that I celebrate my favorite title...Mommy!  Chesney has been the greatest blessing ever, as you can guess since I blog about her often enough!  I am never more excited than to celebrate this very holiday.
Thanks to my wonderful Mum and Chesney's Grammy for loving us so much and spoiling us rotten way too often.  We love you so much and thank you so much for all you do for us.
 And thanks to my mother-in-law and Chesney's Grandma for taking such great care of her when I can't be with her, always dropping everything to help us out and loving us so much.  We love you.
Today I would like to send a special prayer for all of you who are waiting to be a Mommy.  I pray your wait is short and that peace is with you as you wait for that miracle.