Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chesney - 24 Months Old

I still can't believe we have a 2 year old little girl.  She is such a happy little girl with a smile that makes me melt.

Here is what you are up to at 24 Months:
  • Weight: 31 lbs
  • Length: 36 inches
  • Clothes: You had a major growth spurt in the last month and are now wearing size 2T bottoms and some 3T tops. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 7-8 shoe. 
  • Diapers: Diapers are a thing of the past.  You are completely potty trained.  It is a little weird but so nice to be able to run errands without carrying diapers.
  • Food: You have started to try new foods and become slightly less least for now.  This month, we switched you from whole milk to skim milk.  
  • Development: You can now count to 13. You know your colors pretty well.  You can sing the entire alphabet.  And you learned to pedal a bike this month.
  • Words: You sing at the top of your lungs for a good 2 hours out of the day and talk non-stop the other 9 hours you are awake.  You can sing the entire "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" song and most of the songs on your CD in the car.
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 6:30-7:00 am.  We read a few books before bed and say prayers.  You say Dear God before and Amen after.  You take one 1.5-2 hour nap every day.
  • Teeth: No new teeth this month, but your other teeth have finally come in enough to look like you have a full smile.
  • What I love about you: You have really simplified life in the past month, no diapers and drinking the same milk we do.  You are the happiest little girl I know and such a little sweetie.  I love to see your face light up when Daddy or I come home from work (life was not nearly this fun before you).  You are simply a blessing!
Happy 24 months Peanut, we love you!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chesney's 2nd Birthday Party

Today was Chesney's 2nd birthday party. Her party theme was Minnie's Bowtique.  
The invitation:

 She woke up to a new rocking chair that Grammy and Grampy made.
 She rocked in her chair and played with her toys while we got ready for the party. 

  The dessert plates.
The birthday girl.
The napkins...wrapped bow shaped, of course.
The menu:
Minnie’s Bow Tie Pasta
Pluto’s Garlic Biscuits
Donald’s Submarine Sandwiches
Goofy’s Gooey Popcorn
Pete’s Gooey Fish Jello
Daisy’s Bow-berry Punch

A little love for Auntie Sarah.
 Present time!
This cute little doll center came in nearly a million pieces.
 Chesney got a table and chair set that Grandpa and Grandma made.
 After presents, we had cake, cupcakes and ice cream.
 It was in the high 60s today, so we spent a little time outside letting the kids ride on the bikes, play ball and throw the bean bags.
 We ended the afternoon putting together the doll center.  Oddly, the ladies ended up putting the entire thing together aside from Grampy helping with a couple things at the end.  It took over an hour to put together, but it was well worth it.
 The finished product!
 Chesney had so much fun celebrating her birthday, and we had just as much fun celebrating with her.  Happy 2nd birthday princess.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Chesney's 2nd Birthday

My baby girl is two years old!  We had a busy but fun filled day with her.  She asked for her birthday party hat right after she woke up and sang "Happy birthday to me" about 20 times.
 After making a few treats, some sweet friends came over to play.  Jocelyn and Brayden are our neighbor kids and are two of the sweetest kids I know.  They are stinkin cute and always so nice to Chesney.  And today I learned that they have a sweet tooth like mine!
 Chesney was a little excited to see them.
 Jocelyn and Brayden (and Marie and Brian) got an umbrella and rain coat for Chesney.  She carried the umbrella around for the majority of the day and was wearing the rain coat after nap. She is loving her new rain gear.
 After a nap, we got ready to go out to Chesney's favorite restaurant, Red Robin.  We grabbed the mail before we left, and Chesney got a card from Grammy and Grampy.  She opened the card which played "Happy Birthday" and was instantly in love.  She had to bring the card to Red Robin with us.
 The wait staff sang to Chesney and gave her a balloon. 
 We came home to sing to Chesney and have some cake before snuggling before bed time.
 Tomorrow we will celebrate again with Chesney's birthday party.  Happy 2nd birthday Chesney!  We love you, peanut.