Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Chesney is always singing a song, ALWAYS!  We don't sing the ABCs often anymore, but we used to sing them to her every night when she would brush her teeth (now she just talks non-stop while brushing her teeth).  On Sunday, we decided we should sing those again.  To our surprise, she sang the entire ABCs.  That girl makes me scratch my head sometimes.  She picks up on stuff so quickly (which also means you have to be careful what you say).

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pizza Party

I have been working extra hours this week (and next week as well) to cover for a doctor who is out on paternity leave.  So, we promised Chesney a pizza party this weekend since we haven't gotten to see her nearly as much as we want to.  And today was pizza party day.  She was pretty excited and started talking about it from the time she woke up. We started our day by opening and letting her play with a toy we bought nearly 2 years ago...Aquadoodle.
 She thought it was so fun to "paint".
After her nap, we went out for a short walk/bike ride and then ordered pizza.  She must be used to me taking pictures because she told me I should get the camera so I could take a picture of her with the pizza man.  I skipped the picture of the pizza guy but got the excited girl instead.
 I'm definitely excited to get back to my 3 day work weeks and 2 extra days with my love, but in the meantime, I love doing these special things that make my girl smile.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chesney - 23 Months Old

Chesney you are in your last month of being a one year old.  Next month, you will just seem so much older.  I have to say, it kind of makes me sad to see you heading towards two.

 Gosh you look so BIG in this picture!

Here is what you are up to at 23 Months:
  • Weight: 30 lbs
  • Length: 36 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 18-24 month clothes but all of a sudden this week, your shirts are looking like belly shirts.  We are going to have to move you up into the 2T size for shirts and pants.
  • Shoes: You wear a size 7 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear underwear all day and a diaper at night and nap.  You haven't had a wet diaper at nap time in weeks and at you are dry almost all mornings.  You still have an accident or two each week but are doing so great.  
  • Food: You have gone back to your picky eating again.  You definitely have your favorite meals, noodles, ham and anything breakfast.  And you still love your "milka".
  • Development: You can now count to 12. You are learning your colors and know orange and green, the others get mixed up sometimes.  You love to play hide and seek and have become better about staying quiet when you are hiding.
  • Words: You have started singing more over the past month.  You sing with the CD in the car and walk around the house singing.  You now pick up words or phrases from us or TV and say them.  This month you have started to hug us and say "you're the best."  You have no idea how much that melts our hearts (or how easy it would be to get whatever you want if you were to say that at the right time).
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up about 6:30-7:00 am.  We read a few books before bed and now read prayers.  You say Dear God before and Amen after.  You take one 1.5-2 hour nap every day.
  • Teeth: Your 15th tooth, left upper canine came in this month.  We went to the dentist and found out your right upper lateral incisor is missing.
  • What I love about you: We love you much you hug and kiss us and how you tell us "you're the best".  You are happy pretty much 24/7, except sometimes a little upset when you wake up from nap.

Chesney, you are such a wonderful miracle.  We just love lovin you!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

100 Weeks Old

Our sweet girl is 100 weeks old!  Random fact, I know, but still that doesn't seem like long when you put in those terms.  Then I think that she is going to be 2 next month and that seems crazy.
Happy 100 weeks sweet girl!  We love you!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby Emma

My newest niece is here.  Emma Lyn Dahl was born on February 17, 2012 at 12:57pm.  She weighed 4 pounds 2 ounces and was 17 inches long.
 She was so kind to be born on a Friday so we could take a quick trip up this past weekend to see her.  We didn't get any pictures, but we did get to see her.  She has such a sweet little face.  We are missing her already!
Welcome Emma.  We can't wait to watch you grow up with our little girl.