Friday, September 23, 2011

Chesney 18 months

 18 months, 1.5 years, my baby girl is growing up too fast!
Here is what you are up to at 18 Months:
  • Weight: 26 lbs
  • Length: 33 inches
  • Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 months clothes but all your fall/winter clothes are 18-24 months, so we will have to transition you soon. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 5 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear cloth diapers during the day mostly and size 4 diapers at night.
  • Food: You love to feed yourself these days.  Your favorite things to feed yourself are applesauce, yogurt, and oatmeal. You do a fairly good job at getting everything in your mouth too.  We are trying to get you to eat more foods because you would eat cheese and noodles everyday if you could. You have figured out the difference between milk and water now and much prefer your "milka".
  • Development: You are a wild child!  You love to run and have become quicker and steadier.  You can put on your crocs by yourself but prefer to walk around in mommy's high heels.  We bought you a little play set of heels recently, but you still like mommy's better.
  • Words:  I thought your vocabulary was good last month; however, over the past month, you are talking even more.  You love to sing and will repeat any song we listen to on your baby CD in the car.  You walk around singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (and know most of the words) and "Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". You started combining words about 3 weeks ago and say full sentences at times.  Most of your sentences start with "I" like "I jump on (the) bed".  You love to say hi to us and we can't get enough of the "hi Mommy" and "hi Daddy".  Your nickname is peanut and when I say "hi Peanut" to you, you say that back to me but it sounds much cuter coming from you! Your little ears are always listening because you love to repeat us.  A couple things that I don't want to forget because they are too cute: when we walk past Milo you usually say, "hi meow".  When we went to visit Grammy and Grampy a few weeks ago, we rode in a wagon behind a tractor at the apple orchard.  Now you walk around and say "tractor ride" all day long.  Yesterday we pulled out one of Daddy's toy tractors and you actually tried to sit on it.  And lastly, you like to say "I pretty".  When I rock you, you will sit up and say "I pretty" when you are almost ready to fall asleep.  (I think it is because you know I will say "Yes, you are pretty."
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between about 7:00 am.  You have become too rambunctious with rocking so we lay you down at night and you talk for a bit and fall asleep.  After bath, we dress you, and then you brush your teeth during which time we always sing your "ABCs".  You must think brushing your teeth is call ABC because after we get your pajamas on you say "ABCD night" which we know means time to brush the teeth.  We read a book (or 5) every night.  You have started to enjoy picking your own books out which we love.  You nap around 1:00 every day for about 1.5 hours and wake up so happy!
  • Teeth: Left upper lateral incisor came in yesterday.
  • What I love about you: You are such a happy little girl.  You are constantly talking and singing.  You love to play with the neighbor kids but are happy playing by yourself.  You prefer to play chase me with mommy and daddy.  And you love it when we tickle you.  We love how you give hugs and say "ahh" as you hug.  Most of all, we love how happy you are everyday!

Little miss Chesney, we are so amazed at how quickly you are growing.  We love being part of this journey with you.  Happy half birthday peanut. We love you so much!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chesney's 11th Tooth

Tonight after bath time, we noticed another tooth coming in for Chesney.  She is finally getting her upper lateral incisors.  Her left one is now coming through.  She is on her way to having more than her original two front teeth!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Labor Day Weekend - a little late

Grammy, Grampy and Auntie Kate came down to visit us for Labor Day weekend, and we had so much fun!
 We went for a few walks around the block.  Chesney is such a little cutie in her shades!
We hit the park, one of Chesney's favorite places.  But I think everyone enjoyed the park!  I wasn't "allowed" to use the slides, but we had plenty of willing volunteers.
And then Chesney learned about Chipmunks (and hasn't forgotten about them since).  Thanks Aunt Kate!

Chesney played a little ball with Grampy.
And "helped" Grammy with her quilt.
And we celebrated Kate's birthday (which was really yesterday).  Happy Birthday Kate!  Come eat cake with us anytime!
And Grampy taught Chesney how to bear hug.

Thanks for coming to visit us.  We had so much fun!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Park and Chipmunks

Excitement in this house is stirred up by one word...PARK.  This little girl just loves to go to the park.
 The best part about this bouncy thing is that you can watch the digger working in the creek.
 The best thing at the park is defiantly the roller slide.  I know because Chesney loves it and because I have tried it out myself.
 This is the cutest thing...I promise.  Auntie Kate (my sister) pointed out a chipmunk at the park, when they came down to visit over Labor Day weekend.  So now every time we go to the park and sometimes at home, Chesney will squat down, point and say "Ch-munk".  She has the cutest and most serious face too.  And at the park, she will look under some of the equipment when she is pointing.
She is saying "ch-munk" as she is going down the slide in this picture.
This little girl is so stickin cute that I can hardly handle it sometimes.  However, I don't know how we are going to survive this winter without the park.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chesney's New Baby

Chesney is just starting to love carrying a baby around, so we decided to buy her a Bitty Baby (which arrived yesterday).  
 She is really loving her new baby, and we are loving watching Chesney playing with her.