Tuesday, June 28, 2011

House keeper

Chesney has been so into cleaning just recently.  She follows me around when I vacuum with her little vacuum. (If only that thing really sucked up dirt!)
  And she takes her cloth diaper wipes (clean ones) and pretends to wash the cabinets and our feet.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

15 Months Old

Chesney you are so full of personality now.  You are constantly smiling and making noise.  And you don't slow down!
Here is what you are up to at 15 Months:
  • Weight: 24 lbs (70.8 percentile)
  • Length: 32.5 inches(92.5 percentile)
  • Clothes: You are wearing 12-18 months clothes 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 4 or 5 shoe. 
  • Diapers: You wear mostly cloth diapers and Size 4 Pampers or Huggies at bedtime.  
  • Food: You have started eating more foods.  You love lasagna, chili, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti, cheesy noodles, homemade pizza, quesadillas, and potatoes on the grill.  You have started to eat more fruits including grapes, watermelon, and strawberries.  You still love your blueberries the best though!
  • Development: You have become very steady on your feet and can even catch yourself when you are wobbly now.  Your favorite toy is your bike-a (bike).  You have two outside and two inside and spend a good part of the day on one of the four.  You love it when we push one bike and chase you while you ride a different bike.  You put your head down and just run with the bike.  You also love to throw a ball around.
  • Words: You say so many words now that I can't keep track anymore.  You say at least 40+ words and can repeat a lot of things we say.  You have become so good at telling us what you want.  You say woof for puppy now.  You say "up and down" a thousand times a day because it is your favorite part of The Wheels on the Bus.  You tap your nose for beep, beep beep and wave your arms for the wipers.
  • Sleep: You still go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between about 7:00 am.  You take a 1 to 2 hour nap in the morning and a 30 minute nap in the afternoon.   In the past few days, you have started carrying a doll around who you just call baby.  At bedtime and nap time, you say baby until we bring her into you.  We love to listen to you on the monitor after we put you to bed because you talk and sing for about 15-30 minutes.
  • Teeth: Only one new tooth this month, your left lower 1st molar on June 10, 2011.
  • What I love about you: Chesney you are so full of life.  You don't stop talking/singing until you lay down for a nap or bedtime.  We find it crazy cute how you will randomly come hug our leg and say "hi".  You say "hi" a lot (waving with your arm way above your head) during the day, even when we have been around the entire day.  We also love how you tickle our feet and back when you walk by sometimes.  Seeing you grow so fast has been bittersweet but I have to say that you are a ton of fun right now.  We love you to pieces Chesney!


 You love to stand on your tippy-toes and take things out of the drawers.
   Ticking Daddy!
Snuggle time with Daddy!
 You take your baby to bed with you every night (in the last week).  And we take her out before we go to bed.
You are such a bundle of love Chesney!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daddy's Day

Today is such a special day.  I have the most amazing father in the world.  I love you so much Daddy!  Thanks for being the best Daddy in the world and such a wonderful Grampy to Chesney!  
 Happy Father's Day to my father-in-law who takes wonderful care of Chesney.  Thank you for being there when I can't be and loving her so much!
  And today I thank my husband (which I don't do nearly enough) for being such an amazing father to my precious sweetie.  Chesney and I couldn't love you more!  Happy Daddy's Day!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Precious Days

Chesney is growing so quickly. We are just cherishing these precious days while we can. Snuggle and read time is a daily must!

I just want to kiss that face!

Today we did a fun activity where we painted a canvas and put her hand print on it. I plan to do this every year and hang them in the playroom. Chesney got to paint after the project was complete. She is so serious when she is painting.

And she loves to help, but tonight as I was watering the flowers, I turned around and she was following me doing this...

The cuteness almost killed me. And I ran to get the camera!

She ALWAYS gets excited when this guy gets home from work.

Such a sweet little girl!  I love her more and more each day!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chesney's Swing Set

We bought Chesney a climber and swing set combo a few weeks ago.  She loves playing on it.
  She likes the slides (there are two) but insists on going down feet first on her belly.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Chesney's 8th Tooth

Chesney got the last of her 1st molars today.  Her left lower 1st molar is now starting to come in.  I'm still wonder when she will get more teeth in the front of her mouth (since those were supposed to be in by about 13 months).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pool: Day 12

Today was a full day of work for the concrete crew.  They did two pours today.  One on the end, which we will call the lounge end.
The spy view from the office window.
  They hauled all the concrete in wheelbarrows.
  The drain, which turned out great.
 The finished product.  It really looks like a pool now, minus the snow fence (which will go early next week). 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pool: Day 11

Now that the pool is in, it's time to finish the area around it.  I was feeling really classy swimming over the weekend with dirt around the pool and a snow fence.  Today, the concrete prep was started.
 Placing a drain to keep the water away from the house. 
The area formed up.

   I have no idea how these guys work like this. I'm not sure what the temperature was today but it had to be in the upper 90s.  It does, however, make for good swimming weather!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today we...

And Michael Phelps came for a quick visit! 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pool: Day 9

The first family member tested the pool out today!

And she loved it! In fact, she kept pointing at the pool like she wanted to go in.  They also finished the back-fill around the pool today and finalized the plumbing to the filter.
It was very hot, so Chesney got to swim in her little pool too.
Then she ran around to dry off!